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关于咖啡的英语作文_Coffee 4篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-07-18 14:46:41 阅读: 次

关于咖啡的英语作文_Coffee 4篇




Grandmother didn't just like her coffee. It was unfair to say she loved her coffee. Grandmother's attitude to coffee is like that of a sommelier to wine.

She knows the complexity of coffee, the different tastes and even the texture. Only the best coffee is suitable for her. There is no instant coffee, or the coffee bought in the grocery store.

She has to drink fresh coffee. The coffee from a decent coffee shop sets the tone of her whole day. She often says that I used to go every Sunday She would kiss me on the cheek, hang up my coat, lead me into the kitchen, cut a slice of banana bread out of the oven (sometimes cranberries, pour a cup of freshly brewed coffee) Alexa, she said to me one day, do you know that everyone's personality is like the taste of coffee really, I said, it's funny that grandma likes her coffee so much, she connects everything to it she says you, honey, are you French vanilla? You are sweet and almost disgusting, so sometimes for discerning coffee drinkers, I feel a little timid about my grandmother's evaluation of me.

You hope your grandmother will call you sweet, but it's not so sweet. Your father is Espresso, and she continues to say that he is very strong. Many people don't like him, but other people's lives cannot live without the high feeling he gives them, He has an addictive personality that many people can't let go.


祖母不只是喜欢她的咖啡,说她爱她的咖啡是不公平的。祖母对咖啡就像侍酒师对葡萄酒一样她知道咖啡的复杂性,不同的口味,甚至质地,只有最好的咖啡才适合她没有速溶咖啡,或者在杂货店买的咖啡她必须喝新鲜的咖啡,从一家体面的咖啡店买来的咖啡早晨的咖啡定下了她一整天的基调,她常说我以前每个星期天早上都去看祖母,她的例行公事总是一成不变,她会吻我的脸颊,挂上我的外套,领我进厨房,切一片从烤箱里出来的一片香蕉面包(有时是蔓越莓,倒一杯新煮的咖啡 Alexa她有一天对我说,你知道每个人的个性都像咖啡的味道吗 真的,我说,为祖母如此喜欢她的咖啡而感到好笑,她把一切都跟它联系起来了 她说你,亲爱的,你是法国香草吗?你很甜,几乎让人恶心,所以有时对于有眼光的咖啡饮用者,我对祖母对我的评价有点畏缩,你希望你的祖母会叫你甜甜的,但绝不是甜得要命的 你父亲是意式浓缩咖啡,她继续说他很坚强,有很多人不喜欢他,但其他人的生活离不开他给他们的那种高度的感觉,他有一种让人上瘾的个性,很多人无法释怀。


He met her at a party. She was very good. Many people were chasing her, but no one paid attention to him after the party.

He asked her to have coffee. She was surprised to avoid being rude. When they were sitting in a good coffee shop, she walked a long way.

He was too nervous to say anything. She suddenly felt uncomfortable. He asked the waiter, "can you give me some salt? I want it in my coffee.

" They looked at him, and he blushed, but when the salt came, he put it in his coffee and drank it curiously. She asked, "why salt and coffee," he explained, "when I was a little boy, I lived by the sea, I liked to play on the sea, and I could feel the salty taste of it, just like the salty coffee now. Every time I drink it, I think of my children She deeply moved a man.

He could admit that he was homesick and must love his family and care about his family. He also talked about her remote hometown, her childhood, her family is the beginning of their love story. They continued to date, and she found that he met all her requirements.

He was tolerant, kind and kind Warm and careful, she thought that if there was no salty coffee, she would miss the opportunity. So they got married and lived happily together. Every time she made coffee for him, she would put some salt in the way he liked.

A few years later, he ped away and left her a letter saying, "my dear, please forgive my life's lies. I remember when we first dated, I was too nervous. I wanted salt instead of sugar.

It was hard for me to ask for change, so I did it. I never thought we would have a lot I try to tell you the truth, but I'm afraid it will destroy all the art. I don't like salty coffee very much, but because it's very important to you, I learned to enjoy it.

It's my greatest happiness to have you around me. If I can live again, I hope we can be together again, even if it means that I'll drink salty coffee all my life.





Espresso, latte and cappuccino seem to be as diverse as pasta. Just like pasta, Italian coffee is an art form, accompanied by hundreds of customs and traditions, whether it's a cup of coffee poured back like a gl of wine, cappuccino and croissant for breakfast, or a cup of iced coffee Coffee, in Italy, every time you have a coffee drink, you can have a cup of coffee every time. But how to make a perfect Espresso? Of course, it's up to you to make an espresso machine, but it's all about the coffee machine that you want, and it's all automatic.

The perfect coffee cup depends not only on the type of beans and milk you use, but also on the machine blade and burr coffee grinder, tamping pressure, water temperature and humidity. Caffeine lovers not only have their favorite local cafe or cafe, but also prefer the barista, because they have the ability to provide the perfect Espresso, so what kind of coffee should you order? Under the menu of Starbucks, the most popular coffee is beverage (espresso). A small espresso, American coffee, but stronger than espresso.

When you drink it in a large cup of coffee, it is more than twice as much as double espresso Hagfe decaffeinated coffee latte hot milk mixed with coffee, put in a gl, breakfast coffee Macchiato espresso "dyed" a drop of steamed milk: a small version of cappuccino, marocchino espresso milk and cocoa, cappuccino, infused with steamed milk, drink in the morning, but never drink after lunch or dinner, iced drinks (similar to ice cream, but the shaved ice makes it authentic) and with whipped cream, I'm not sure you know all that.


意式浓缩咖啡、拿铁咖啡、卡布奇诺意大利咖啡似乎和意大利面食一样多种多样,就像意大利面食一样,意大利咖啡是一种艺术形式,伴随着数百种习俗和传统,无论是像一杯酒一样倒回的科雷托咖啡,还是作为早餐的卡布奇诺咖啡和牛角面包,或者是一杯冰镇咖啡,在意大利,每一次都有一种咖啡饮料可以让你每次都能喝上一杯咖啡。但是如何制作出一杯完美的浓缩咖啡呢?有全自动的咖啡机,泵驱动的咖啡机,杠杆活塞式意式浓缩咖啡机,当然还有经典的铝制浓缩咖啡机无止境的一切都能做出一杯很棒的咖啡,但这完全取决于你想要的功能。完美的咖啡杯不仅取决于你所用的豆子类型和牛奶,还取决于机器刀片与毛刺咖啡研磨机、捣固压力、水温和湿度爱好者不仅有他们最喜欢的本地咖啡馆或者咖啡馆,但是更喜欢咖啡师,因为他们有能力提供完美的浓缩咖啡,所以你应该点什么样的咖啡?星巴克的菜单下面列出了最受欢迎的咖啡beveragescaffe(意式浓缩咖啡)一小杯浓咖啡,美国式咖啡,但比浓缩咖啡更浓,在一个大杯咖啡中饮用,多比多倍双倍浓缩咖啡freddoiced coffee Hagfe无咖啡咖啡拿铁热牛奶与咖啡混合,放在一个玻璃杯中早餐咖啡macchiato意式浓缩咖啡“染色”了一滴蒸牛奶:一个小版本的卡布奇诺咖啡marocchino意式浓缩咖啡牛奶和可可粉卡布奇诺浓缩咖啡,注入蒸牛奶,早上喝,但午餐或晚餐后永远不要喝,冰镇饮料(类似于雪糕,但刨冰使其成为正宗的)并加上生奶油我不确定你是否知道所有这些。

本文标题:关于咖啡的英语作文_Coffee 4篇
