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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 00:08:34 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”空闲时间“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Idle time。以下是关于空闲时间的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”空闲时间“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Idle time。以下是关于空闲时间的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Idle time

When I was young, my parents were always busy with their work, so they bought a lot of books to accompany me through reading. I made friends with three pigs, snow white, red cap and so on Since then, reading has become an important part of my life books. Magazines and newspapers are very convenient to carry with me.

They are small in size and light in reading materials. They are very convenient to put in a handbag. Moreover, I can read anytime and anywhere, even in a period of time, such as waiting for the bus in school, rest time, working time, and people reading in the toilet, in short, no matter when I can enjoy reading everywhere.

In addition to convenience, reading also enriches my life, brings me a lot of fun, and frees me from the pressure of modern life. I live in Taiwan, and I am a primary school teacher reading travel books, such as lonely planet. I also learn about other countries and their cultures and customs.

I can also learn about other people's stories through their biographies. For example, when I am immersed in a novel, I can experience the same feelings as the characters in the book that Harry Potter went to Hogwarts with, such as excitement, sadness and happiness, falling in love with Romeo and Juliet, and deciphering the ancient secret code with Da Vinci Code. All these have brought me great happiness.

I can put aside all the worries of the material world and cast When I am free, reading alone does not make me antisocial, just because most of the time, I happen to be alone when I am free. Reading when I am free can broaden my horizons, make me happy and help me relax.


纠正后 每个人的空闲时间都有不同的方式,我通常在我有空的时候阅读,我独自阅读我认为通过阅读,我可以发现世界的美丽‰当我年轻的时候,我的父母总是忙于工作,所以他们买了很多书来陪伴我度过难关读书,我结交了三只小猪,白雪公主,红帽等等,从那时起,读书就成了我人生书籍的重要组成部分,杂志和报纸随身携带非常方便,体积小,阅读材料轻,放在手提包里非常方便,而且,我可以随时随地阅读,即使是在一段时间内,比如在学校等公交车,休息时间,上班时间,还有人在厕所里看书,总之,无论何时何地,我都能享受阅读的乐趣,除了方便之外,阅读还丰富了我的生活,给我带来了很多乐趣,让我从现代生活的压力中解脱出来我住在,我是一名小学教师,一边阅读旅游书籍,比如《孤独星球》,我也了解了其他国家和他们的文化和风俗习惯。我也可以通过他们的传记了解其他人的故事。例如,当我沉浸在一本小说中时,我可以体验到和哈利波特一起去霍格沃茨的书中的人物一样的感受,比如激动、悲伤和幸福,爱上了罗密欧和朱丽叶,用达芬奇密码破译了古老的秘密密码,所有这些都给我带来了巨大的快乐,我可以抛开物质世界的一切烦恼,投入到这个世界中去读书,读书让我从生活的重担中解脱出来,并以此作为我沮丧的发泄渠道当我有空的时候独自阅读并不会使我,只是因为大多数时间,我碰巧在我有空的时候是一个人,在我有空的时候看书可以开阔我的视野,使我快乐,并帮助我放松。


My Free Time 我的空闲时间

In my free time I enjoy engaging in various activities that help me relax and have fun. One of my favorite things to do is read books. I am an avid reader and I find immense pleasure in getting lost in the world of words. Whether it's a gripping novel an informative non-fiction book or even a collection of short stories I always find something that captures my interest. Reading not only helps me unwind but also expands my knowledge and broadens my perspective.

During my free time I also love to indulge in my passion for music. Listening to different genres of music uplifts my mood and transports me to a different realm. I find solace in the melodies rhythms and lyrics that resonate with my emotions. Playing a musical instrument such as the guitar or piano is another way I enjoy spending my free time. It allows me to express myself creatively and brings me immense joy.

Exercise and outdoor activities are also an integral part of my free time routine. Whether it's going for a run in the park playing basketball with friends or taking long walks on the beach I relish the opportunity to be active and connect with nature. These activities not only keep me physically fit but also help me rejuvenate my mind after a long day.

Lastly spending quality time with family and friends is something I value greatly. Whether it's having a movie night at home going out for dinner or simply having a heartfelt conversation these moments are priceless. They provide me with the warmth and comfort that only loved ones can bring.

In conclusion my free time is a precious opportunity for me to engage in activities that bring me joy relaxation and personal growth. Reading listening to music exercising and spending time with loved ones are all essential components of my free time routine. These activities help me unwind broaden my horizons and strengthen my bonds with others.


As a middle school student, I don't have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listen to music and search the Internet for about half an hour. This is a good way to relax myself.

I always do some reading before going to bed. In addition, I always go swimming after class to help me keep healthy Like other students, it's good for my study. I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework on weekends.

I will help my mother do housework, such as cleaning the house and washing some clothes. This is the time when we often visit friends and have fun together.



