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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 00:46:53 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”书写“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Writing。以下是关于书写的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。



Here are some tips to help you improve your writing skills, make your description concise, make your article concise and to the point, use words that readers are familiar with, don't use words that may be difficult for readers to understand, keep sentences simple and clear, don't use too many complex sentences, don't make everything possible. It's better to change the length of the sentence to make it possible Some sentences are longer, while others are shorter. It's better to use active voice instead of passive voice.

Don't use abbreviations unless you are sure the reader will understand. It's better to use nouns and verbs instead of adjectives and adverbs.




The more you write, the harder it will be to come up with new ideas and topics. The two most important parts of a blog are compelling content and frequent updates. Take a look at the blog post ideas below.

When you can't remember what to write, just remember to try to apply each of these ideas to your blog topic. What's going on in the world or China? What's the latest breaking news from the world and your country? Write a blog about interesting news you read about books, movies, opinions or reviews. You can write a comment on your blog and see the following suggestions: books, movies, music, software, websites, products, attractions, etc.

The possibilities are almost endless. Just think about what you've tried, write down your experiences and ideas, translate a lot of interesting Chinese news or articles on social bookmarking sites such as Sina, Sohu, blog, Tianya forum, Renren. You can translate them from Chinese to English, and write comments, so that people like to find easy to follow guidance to help them complete A task, whether you want to teach your readers how to throw the perfect curveball or how to avoid being bitten by a mosquito, your choice is to write an article to share some tips to help your readers accomplish something in a simpler, faster or cheaper way.

It can help you attract a large number of visitors. Podcasts are sometimes easier to talk about than to write about. If so, try Audio blog and post podcasts interview prominent people or experts in your blog's topic, then post a blog post about it, answer questions or comments from readers, review your readers' comments, find any questions or statements that can be used to inspire new posts just write down your ideas and share your life and experience with others related articles:.


你写得越多,你就越难想出新的想法和话题来写博客的两个最重要的部分都是引人注目的内容和频繁的更新看看下面的博客帖子想法,当你想不起要写什么的时候,只要记住试着应用这些想法中的每一个适合你的博客主题突发新闻评论世界或中国发生了什么?世界和你的国家最新的突发新闻是什么?写一篇关于你读到的关于书籍、电影的观点或评论的有趣的新闻的博客,你可以在你的博客上写一篇评论,看看下面的建议:书,电影,音乐,软件,网站,产品,景点等等。可能性几乎是无穷无尽的,只要想想你尝试过的东西,写下你的经历和想法翻译有很多有趣的中国新闻或新浪、搜狐、博客、天涯论坛、人人网等社交书签网站上的文章,你可以把它们从中文翻译成英文,并写评论,让人们喜欢找到容易遵循的指导,帮助他们完成一项任务,无论你想教你的读者如何扔完美的曲线球或如何避免被咬一只蚊子,你的选择是写一篇文章来分享一些技巧,帮助你的读者以更简单、更快或更便宜的方式完成某件事可以帮助你吸引大量的访问者播客有时谈论某件事比写它更容易如果是这样的话,尝试音频博客并发布播客访谈在你的博客主题中的杰出人物或专家然后发表一篇关于它的博客文章回答读者的问题或评论回顾一下你的读者留下的评论,找到任何可以用来激发新帖子的问题或陈述 只需写下你的想法就可以和别人分享你的生活和经历 相关文章。


After reviewing last year's report, Ireland's National Examinations Board said white-collar workers were most frustrated that the growing popularity of text messages posed a threat to the writing skills of Irish pupils. An Irish Education Commission said the frequency of grammatical and punctuation errors has become a serious problem. According to the Irish Times on Wednesday, the report said: "the emergence of mobile phones and The rise of SMS as a popular means of communication seems to have had an impact on the writing level, as can be seen from the examinees' answers Punctuation seems to be a threat to traditional writing habits.

The report notes with regret that, in many cases, Irish candidates appear to be "over reliant on short sentences, simple tenses and limited vocabulary", and that they are the best performing co-operation and development in an international literacy standard list compiled by the economic organization.



