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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 01:28:40 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”仁爱上册书电子版“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The electronic version of the first book of benevolence。以下是关于仁爱上册书电子版的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”仁爱上册书电子版“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The electronic version of the first book of benevolence。以下是关于仁爱上册书电子版的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The electronic version of the first book of benevolence

TitleThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Paper and Electronic Versions


In today's digital age there is an ongoing debate about whether paper or electronic versions are better. Both formats have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Firstly paper versions are more traditional and familiar to most people. It’s also much easier to read and annotate physical documents. You can highlight underline or write notes in margins without any special tools or software. Moreover paper can be recycled which could have a positive impact on the environment.


On the other hand electronic versions are more convenient in many ways. You can access documents from anywhere with internet connection using a computer or mobile device. It also saves space as you don’t need to store physical copies. Besides you can easily search for any specific information you need from electronic documents. Plus it is much easier to share electronic versions with others by sending emails or uploading them to the cloud.


However electronic versions also have some disadvantages. They can be easily lost or deleted by mistake and it can be difficult to recover them. Moreover reading for long periods on a screen can cause eye strain and other health problems. Besides electronic devices require electricity to work which can be a problem in areas with limited access to power.


In conclusion both paper and electronic versions have their pros and cons. The choice between them depends on personal preference and cirtances. Paper versions are more appropriate for those who appreciate the traditional reading method while electronic versions are for those who value convenience and accessibility.




1. 标题(Title)简洁明了地概括文章内容的标题

2. 日期(Date)文章写作完成的日期

3. 问候语(Salutation)对读者称谓的礼貌用语比如"Dear readers"

4. 正文(Body)文章的主要内容可以包括引言、论点和论据、事例、分析和解释等通常分为多个段落每个段落都有一个明确的主题段落之间要用过渡句进行衔接

5. 结尾(Conclusion)对文章主题进行总结或得出结论并可以提出建议或展望未来

6. 结语(Closing)礼貌的结束语比如"Yours sincerely"

7. 署名(Signature)作者的真实姓名或笔名


Title The Benefits of E-books

Date March 15 2022

Dear readers


E-books have become increasingly popular in recent years. They offer numerous benefits that traditional paper books cannot match. Firstly e-books are highly portable. With just a single electronic device such as a tablet or e-reader one can carry an entire library's worth of books. This convenience is especially appealing to avid readers and frequent travelers. Secondly e-books are environmentally friendly. As no paper is used in their production there is no need to cut down trees. This makes e-books a sustainable choice for those who are concerned about the environment. Lastly e-books provide interactive features that enhance the reading experience. Many e-books offer features such as highlighting bookmarking and searching for specific words or phrases. These functions make it easier for readers to navigate through the text and locate information quickly.

In conclusion e-books offer a range of advantages including portability environmental sustainability and interactive features. As technology continues to advance it is likely that e-books will become even more prevalent in the future.

Yours sincerely











