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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 01:30:50 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”外贸总结“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:foreign trade summary。以下是关于外贸总结的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”外贸总结“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:foreign trade summary。以下是关于外贸总结的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:foreign trade summary

Dear sir, we are glad to receive your fax inquiry, as this is the first time we contact you. We would appreciate it if you could provide your bank name and address. We know the type of integrated circuit you need, but we don't know the specifications you require for the integrated circuit, such as voltage and current.

Can you tell us the purpose of this integrated circuit? The fax you sent is not clear about the wording, please fax it again (no chart is needed, we sincerely hope that we can provide you with the best service.




A: Meiser Furniture Co., Ltd., Xiyue street, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China, dear sir, with reference to your letter of November 11, we are pleased to enclose the detailed quotation for the bathroom shower. In addition to the advertit in the architectural daily, we also have a catalogue of various models. In the delivery period of Star building contractors in Hong Kong and Taiwan, we can use the latest model Bathroom accessories and available sizes.

We find that our equipment is easy to install and beautiful. All parts are replaceable. Our quotation includes the price of spare parts.

For orders worth more than US dollars, we can give you a discount. For orders over US dollars, we will immediately process your loyal Francesco Marani sales manager, encl via slorenzo, / a Castellon Spain telephone fax.


答:中国广东省佛山市西岳街梅瑟家具有限公司,亲爱的先生,关于您xx月xx日的来信,我们很高兴地附上浴室淋浴器的详细报价,除了《建筑日报》上的广告外,我们还附有各种型号的图解目录在香港和的星号建筑承建商的交货期中,我们可以使用最新型号的浴室配件和可供使用的尺寸。我们发现我们的设备易于安装和美观,所有部件都是可替换的,我们的报价包括备件价格。对于价值美元以上的订单,我们可以给予折扣,对于超过美元的订单,我们将立即处理您忠实的Francesco Marani销售经理Encl Via SLorenzo,/a Castellon Spain电话传真。


We have carefully considered your claim. We have filed a claim against you for the short weight. The representative of China and Mr.

Baker discussed that we have received your remittance to settle our claim. Claims for incorrect materials must be filed within days after the arrival of the goods we have sent. We should investigate this case carefully.

I want to settle our claim for tons of bleached cotton waste. According to Sales Confirmation No. e, we can't accept your claim, but we regret that we can't accept your claim.

I'll write to our headquarters immediately and ask us to give up the claim immediately. I'm afraid you should compensate us according to the total contract amount for the loss suffered and agreed by you. I suggest that we compensate you for the total value plus the inspection fee.

There are some different types of claims. This is a quality claim. This is a claim for delayed shipment.

A claim for short weight is caused by damage to the packing or a claim for short shipment. Delay in shipment means that the seller fails to deliver the goods on schedule, Claim for quality caused by inferior or changed quality of goods.



