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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 10:54:54 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”词汇书图片“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:vocabulary book picture。以下是关于词汇书图片的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”词汇书图片“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:vocabulary book picture。以下是关于词汇书图片的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:vocabulary book picture

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Pictures can convey a powerful message and often have a greater impact than words alone. Whether it’s a photograph painting or drawing an image has the ability to evoke emotions and capture a moment in time.

In today’s digital age we are bombarded with images on a daily basis – from social media feeds to advertising billboards. However it’s important to remember that not all images are created equal. Some have the power to inspire educate and connect us on a deeper level while others are simply superficial and forgettable.

As a writer I understand the power of words but I also recognize the significance of pictures. They can enhance supplement and even replace written text depending on the context. They can also transcend language barriers them a universal form of communication.

In conclusion a picture truly is worth a thousand words. It can capture a moment tell a story and convey a message that words alone cannot always achieve. So next time you see a powerful image take a moment to appreciate its impact and meaning.



在今天的数字时代我们每天都会被图片轰炸 - 从社交媒体到广告牌然而我们需要记住并不是所有的图片都是同等重要的有些图片能够激励我们、教育我们并在更深层次上与我们建立联系而有些则是简单的肤浅和容易被忽略的



万能作文模板2:词汇书图片 :

Dear Mrs. Brown, we are very glad that you can come to our party on Saay. That's why you can find us and have a party in Central Park.

Maybe you've been there. You don't go straight ahead, walk out of the school gate and turn right at the second intersection. You'll find that there is a hospital on the opposite side.

It's a bus stop. Take the bus and get off at the fourth stop. Central Park is in front of it.

We had a party on a boat by the lake. It's interesting. Come on time.

We'll wait for you at the gate of the park. Yours, Li Hong.







Title Taking Action for a Greener Future

In the picture we can see two individuals standing next to a garbage can. The person on the left is holding a plastic bottle while the person on the right is holding a piece of paper. There are three arrows pointing towards the garbage can indicating that the proper disposal of waste is crucial.

This image highlights the importance of taking action for a greener future. It reminds us that everyone has a role to play in protecting the environment. By properly sorting and disposing of waste we can help reduce pollution and preserve the planet for future generations.

Let's all make a conscious effort to recycle reduce and reuse Small actions such as using reusable water bottles or printing on both sides of a paper can make a big difference. Together we can create a more sustainable and eco-friendly world.






