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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 11:06:25 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”父母如何教育孩子“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How parents educate their children。以下是关于父母如何教育孩子的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”父母如何教育孩子“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How parents educate their children。以下是关于父母如何教育孩子的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How parents educate their children


1. 让孩子阅读英文文章或故事并要求其写下对文章或故事的理解这可以帮助孩子提高词汇量和理解能力

2. 给孩子提供一些话题或问题让孩子写作文这可以锻炼孩子的写作能力和思维能力

3. 给孩子一些作文范例并让孩子分析其中的语言结构、段落组织等并尝试模仿写作

4. 鼓励孩子写日记并帮助孩子纠正语法和拼写错误

5. 带孩子一起看英文电影或电视节目并让孩子用英语写下对影片的感受

6. 给孩子提供一些英文写作练习例如填空、翻译等


Teaching children how to write English essays is different for different ages and English levels. However the following are some general suggestions

1. Let children read English articles or stories and ask them to write down their understanding of the article or story. This can help children improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

2. Provide children with some topics or questions and ask them to write an essay. This can exercise their writing and thinking skills.

3. Provide children with some essay models and ask them to yze the language structure paragraph organization etc. and try to imitate writing.

4. Encourage children to write diaries and help them correct grammar and spelling errors.

5. Watch English movies or TV shows with children and ask them to write down their feelings about the movie in English.

6. Provide children with some English writing exercises such as fill-in-the-blanks translations etc.

In short let children fully access English and try various exercises to let them feel the pleasure and sense of accomplishment of learning English.


Parents and their children's education, they are most concerned about children's education, they can do anything for their children, many of them spend most of their spare time on tutoring children's learning, those who have no time or can't do it employ tutors, some even send their children to after-school school school, some even try to improve their family environment. It seems that parents' expectation for their children is better teaching The current situation of education can be explained by the following reasons: first, with the healthy development of China's economy, many parents have realized that the future success depends more and more on skills and education. Lack of training or education will no longer guarantee a bright future for young people.

Secondly, it is obvious that in a highly competitive society, there are losers and winners, and they have mastered better Children with skills and knowledge will get more opportunities. "With the increase of school fees, parents hope that their children can become successful people, or their education can make some great things, which is also reasonable. Of course, in my opinion, it is a good thing to see that parents pay great attention to children's education Pay attention to develop their other abilities and personal qualities.

Really, learning to succeed is important, but the first thing to learn is how to survive and how to become a qualified citizen. If this point is included in the good education that parents are pursuing now, their children will surely not only have a bright future, but also have a sound intellectual and spiritual foundation, so they will have a healthy life..




Parents and children educate parents, especially agers, who care more about their children's education. They can do anything for their children. Many of them spend most of their spare time tutoring their children to learn from people who have no time or can't do.

Some people ask tutors and some send their children to extracurricular schools, and some even try to improve their family environment, It seems that parents' expectations for their children are better education. The current situation can be explained for the following reasons: first, with the healthy development of China's economy, many parents have realized that the success of the future depends more on the future more about skills and education lack of training or education will no longer guarantee a better future for young people. Secondly, it is obvious that in a competitive society, both the losers and the winners have, and have mastered it more Good skilled and knowledgeable children will enjoy more opportunities.

With the increase of school tuition, parents hope their children can become a successful person or the result of the education they receive. It is reasonable to see that parents pay great attention to their children's education, but I think that we should pay attention to the cultivation of other abilities and abilities of their individualism Quality is correct, learning success is very important, but the first thing to learn is how to survive and become qualified citizens. If this includes the good education parents are seeking now, their children will surely ensure that not only the future is bright, but also has a sound intellectual and spiritual basis, so a healthy life..



