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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 15:34:53 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”打字“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Typing。以下是关于打字的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。



Whether you're a hunter pike tyt or a keyboard Rachmaninoff, you make mistakes, but it's not just the typing errors you see on the screen that dazzle you, your hands know when you mess up. This is a study in the journal Science (Gordon Logan and Matthew) Researchers recruited professional tyts, of course, to show them five words, one at a time, and they asked students to type in the words as quickly and accurately as possible, but sometimes researchers inserted typographical errors when the words appeared on the screen, when the students didn't do it again And students tend to trust the screen, so if they add a typo, they will think that if a typo is corrected, they must have made a mistake. They think they're right, but they're not fooled when their fingers slip.

They pause a second longer than usual before entering the next letter, but when there's a false typo on the screen, they don't pause, so we obviously have two separate mechanisms to prevent typing errors, one is visual, the other is tactile, to speed up Quick fix brown fox.


不管你是亨特派克打字员还是键盘拉赫曼尼诺夫,你都会犯错误,但不仅仅是你在屏幕上看到那些让人眼前一亮的打字错误,你的手也知道你什么时候搞砸了。这是《科学》(Science)杂志上的一项研究(Gordon Logan和Matthew Crump)“作者认知错觉揭示了等级错误在熟练的打字员中发现“]研究人员招募了专业打字员,当然,他们给他们看五个单词,一次一个,他们要求学生尽可能快速准确地键入这些单词,但有时,研究人员会在单词出现在屏幕上时插入排字错误,当学生们没有再的时候,他们会自动更正他们确实犯下的错别字,而且学生们倾向于相信屏幕,所以如果加了一个错别字,他们就会认为如果一个错别字被纠正了,他们一定是弄错了。他们认为自己打得对,但当手指滑倒时,手并没有上当,在输入下一个字母之前,他们比平常多停顿了一秒钟,但是当屏幕上出现虚假的打字错误时,他们并没有暂停,所以我们显然有两个独立的机制来防止打字错误,一个是视觉上的,另一个是触觉上的,用以快速修复棕色狐狸。


Computers can replace typing computers. Now it is very popular. Computers have also entered high school life.

It takes more time to study with computers and less opportunities to write with pens. However, writing is an important foundation of Chinese language. Writing and writing ability are the first stage of Chinese education.

Writing contains good learning habits of students. As the saying goes, the style of writing is what people see and what they see Words are quiet, beautiful, natural and unrestrained, charming, empty, secret, disordered, and scribbled words are an art. They can express a person's cultural quality, spiritual outlook, personality and hobbies.

Although computers can replace writing, they still occupy an important position in modern life, because Chinese can have internal beauty and external beauty When you write an article, you will deeply realize that you will stand out in the expressive power of calligraphy art. You will deeply realize that writing is an investment. As the quintessence of our country, conscientiousness can also cultivate the self-cultivation of Chinese characters, improve the quality of students and cultivate the temperament of children, which is irreplaceable by computers, so it has entered the plan Today in the computer age, writing teaching is still the key to basic literacy education.

We should take this responsibility. We should write words and practice words from students. Of course, we will do the same.

Even writing teaching emphasizes to do better than in the past.




With the development of high technology, the functions of high-tech products have been greatly improved. People can type on their mobile phones and write down what they want to write with computers. It seems that typing is so fast and convenient.

So most young people don't pay attention to handwritten characters when they learn Chinese. Although computers are very popular, their handwriting is really poor. We need to practice our calligraphy People with good words will leave a deep impression on each other.

As the saying goes, writing is a reflection of one's personality, so we should not give up our tradition.



