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my view on campus violence英语作文_小学高分英语作文3篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 15:56:32 阅读: 次

my view on campus violence英语作文_小学高分英语作文3篇

前言: 关于”my view on campus violence“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:my view on campus violence。以下是关于my view on campus violence的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”my view on campus violence“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:my view on campus violence。以下是关于my view on campus violence的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:my view on campus violence




Campus violence is a serious social problem and a major challenge for school education management. This kind of violent behavior brings physical and psychological harm to the victims which even affect their future development. The causes of campus violence are complex involving multiple factors such as family background social environment and school management. To solve the problem of campus violence we should take multi-angle and multi-level measures.

Firstly schools should strengthen management and governance improve the safety awareness and self-protection ability of teachers and students strengthen network security education establish a warning education mechanism promptly handle violations and severely crack down on violent behaviors. Secondly families should strengthen their children's education cultivate their correct values and behavior norms give them enough love and support and timely resolve family conflicts to prevent campus violence from its sources. In addition the society should increase the publicity and supervision of campus violence guide the public to pay attention to and partite in the governance of campus violence and form a social governance pattern.

In summary campus violence is a major problem that requires joint efforts from schools families and society to take effective measures to prevent and manage campus violence from its sources and create a safe and harmonious learning environment for children.

万能作文模板2:我对校园暴力的看法 :

My view on campus violence is shocking. In recent years, campus violence has occurred frequently. For months, a college student from a famous university has cut down some of his classmates with a knife.

It seems inconceivable that a college student from a famous university stabbed a professor who was preparing a speech with a knife to end these tragedies. When college students are regarded as the elite of society, it seems inconceivable. Some people say that higher education does not give due attention to the moral education of college students.

They think that the heart of college students is fragile. When we bear too much pressure, these views are reasonable. The author thinks that it is more important to take measures to avoid such incidents.

Psychological assistance is a solution. The criminals on campus may have been humiliated or faced with great pressure. Only through psychological counseling can they vent their negative emotions, thus avoiding the occurrence of extreme actions in this situation.




满分英语范文3:my view on campus violence




Campus violence is a serious social problem. It refers to physical or emotional harm that occurs within a school and encomp a range of behaviors such as bullying intimidation threats harm invasion and others. It not only causes harm to the victim's physical and mental health but also affects the overall campus atmosphere and disrupts the students' learning environment.

The emergence of campus violence is due to a series of complex factors such as family environment school culture social pressure and others. Therefore solving campus violence requires the efforts of the whole society including the cooperation of families schools and society. Families and schools should provide a safe and healthy environment for children to grow up in encouraging students to respect and care for each other. Society should encourage the establishment of more community organizations to help victims of bullying regain their dignity.

Finally we must remember that campus violence is not just an educational problem but a social problem. Only when we all work together as a society can we create a safe and harmonious campus environment.

本文标题:my view on campus violence英语作文_小学高分英语作文3篇
