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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 16:00:51 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”演讲稿的结尾“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:End of speech。以下是关于演讲稿的结尾的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”演讲稿的结尾“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:End of speech。以下是关于演讲稿的结尾的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:End of speech

Title The Art of Concluding a Speech


Speeches whether they are delivered in front of a large audience or a small gathering carry significant importance in conveying the speaker's message effectively. However the conclusion of a speech holds particular significance as it allows the audience to reflect on and remember the key points discussed. In this article we will explore some essential techniques to master the art of concluding a speech successfully.


1. Recapitulate the Key Points A powerful way to conclude a speech is by providing a concise summary of the main ideas discussed. This recapitulation helps strengthen the audience's understanding and highlights the core message of the speech.

1. 简要重述要点演讲结尾的一种有力方式是对演讲中讨论的主要观点进行简明扼要的总结这种重述有助于加强听众的理解并突出演讲的核心信息

2. Leave a Lasting Impression A memorable ending is crucial in an impact on the audience. This can be achieved through the use of a thought-provoking quote an inspiring story or a personal anecdote that connects with the theme of the speech.

2. 留下深刻印象一个令人难忘的结尾对于对听众产生影响至关重要可以通过引用发人深省的名言讲述鼓舞人心的故事或者讲述与演讲主题相关的个人趣闻来实现这一目标

3. Call to Action Engaging the audience by encouraging them to take action is an effective way to conclude a speech. This could involve requesting their support for a cause proposing a solution to a problem or simply motivating them to apply the knowledge gained from the speech.

3. 号召行动通过鼓励听众采取行动来吸引他们是结尾演讲的一种有效方式这可能包括要求他们支持某项事业提出解决问题的解决方案或者只是激励他们运用从演讲中获得的知识

4. End with Gratitude Expressing gratitude towards the audience for their time and attention is a courteous way to conclude a speech. It leaves a positive impression and shows respect for the listeners.

4. 以感激之情结束向听众表示对他们的时间和关注表示感激是一种有礼貌的演讲结束方式它给人留下积极的印象表明对听众的尊重

In conclusion a well-crafted ending to a speech can have a lasting impact on the audience. By recapitulating the key points leaving a memorable impression giving a call to action and expressing gratitude speakers can ensure that their message resonates with the audience long after the speech is over.


Remember the conclusion is the final opportunity to make a compelling impact on your audience. So seize the moment and leave them with a lasting impression



In conclusion I believe that we must continue to work towards our goals with dedication and persistence. Let us not be deterred by the obstacles that we may face along the way but instead use them as opportunities for growth and learning. Together we can achieve great things and create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.


