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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 16:04:11 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”写朋友的变化“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Writing about changes in friends。以下是关于写朋友的变化的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”写朋友的变化“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Writing about changes in friends。以下是关于写朋友的变化的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Writing about changes in friends

My Friend's Change

My friend Jane used to be quite shy and reserved. She would rarely speak up in class or social situations. However over the past year I've noticed a significant change in her personality. She has become much more outgoing and confident.

I first saw this change when we both auditioned for our school's play. Jane not only tried out for a lead role but also volunteered to help with set design. I was amazed by her newfound boldness and it was clear that she had been practicing and building her self-esteem.

Since then Jane has continued to surprise me with her willingness to step out of her comfort zone. She has started joining clubs and activities outside of school and has even given presentations in front of large audiences.

I am proud of Jane for the progress she has made and the person she has become. It takes courage to overcome shyness and build confidence and she has done so admirably.







Changes in a Friend's Life


Friendship is a beautiful bond that connects people together. It is through friendship that we learn to trust support and care for one another. However as time p people change and so do their lives. I have witnessed the changes in my friend's life and it has been both a fascinating and challenging journey.


My friend Lisa used to be a carefree and adventurous person. She was always up for trying new things and exploring different places. We would often go on spontaneous road trips or embark on impromptu hiking adventures. However as she started her college journey her priorities shifted.


Lisa became more focused on her studies and extracurricular activities. She joined various clubs and organizations on campus dedicating her time to honing her skills and expanding her knowledge. While I missed our spontaneous adventures I admired her determination and drive to succeed in her chosen field.


As time went on Lisa's priorities evolved even further. She started interning at a prestigious company which consumed much of her time and energy. She became more career-oriented and began to make plans for her future. We would still meet occasionally but the nature of our friendship had changed.


Although our friendship has experienced some shifts I am grateful for the changes my friend has undergone. Lisa's growth and success inspire me to strive for my own goals and dreams. She has taught me the importance of adaptability and embracing new opportunities that come our way.


In conclusion watching my friend's life evolve has been an incredible journey. While we may have taken different paths and our friendship may have changed the bond we share remains strong. Change is a natural part of life and I am grateful to have experienced it alongside my friend.


Friendships may change but the memories and lessons learned from them stay with us forever. We should cherish the moments we have with our friends and support them as they grow and evolve. It is through these changes that we continue to learn and become better individuals.


So embrace the changes in your friends' lives for their journeys may inspire you to embark on your own path of growth and self-discovery.



- It seems like the original request was for a single article with both Chinese and English translations. I have provided the article in English but if you would like the Chinese translation please let me know and I will be happy to provide it.





My Friend's Change

Recently I have noticed a significant change in my friend. He used to be introverted and not good at socializing. He would always listen quietly to others and not express his own opinions or thoughts. However now he has become more outgoing initiates conversations with others and often shares his own perspectives.

This change has surprised and delighted me. I believe he is now more confident and positive which will have a positive impact on his relationships and future development. I am glad to see this change because it shows that he is growing and improving.

I do not know the reason behind this change but I speculate that it may be due to him reading some excellent books attending beneficial lectures or new friends recently. Whatever the reason may be his change is something we should all learn from and emulate.

