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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 16:06:54 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”上海历年“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Shanghai calendar year。以下是关于上海历年的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”上海历年“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Shanghai calendar year。以下是关于上海历年的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Shanghai calendar year

1. xx年上海市中考英语作文

题目My Healthy Lifestyle(我的健康生活方式)

范文In order to lead a healthy lifestyle I believe it is important to balance the three elements healthy eating regular exercise and enough rest.

Firstly healthy eating plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. I always make sure to have a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits vegetables whole grains and lean proteins. I also avoid junk food and sugary drinks as much as possible. Additionally I drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep myself hydrated.

Secondly regular exercise is necessary to keep fit. I enjoy partiting in various sports activities such as basketball swimming and cycling. These exercises not only help me build up physical strength but also improve my mental well-being. I also encourage my friends and family to join me in these activities exercising a fun and social experience.

Lastly adequate rest is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. In addition I find relaxation activities such as reading books or listening to music before bed helpful in promoting better sleep quality.

In conclusion a healthy lifestyle consists of healthy eating regular exercise and enough rest. By balancing these elements one can ensure good physical and mental well-being.






2. xx年上海市中考英语作文

题目A Memorable Trip(一次难忘的旅行)

范文Last summer I had the opportunity to go on a memorable trip with my family to Guilin. This trip left a deep impression on me.

During the trip we visited many famous scenic spots such as the Li River Elephant Trunk Hill and Reed Flute Cave. The breathtaking landscapes took my breath away. The crystal-clear river the magnificent karst peaks and the colorful stalactites in the cave all left me in awe. I couldn't help but capture these beautiful moments with my camera.

Apart from the natural beauty the local culture in Guilin also fascinated me. We had the chance to taste delicious local cuisine and learn about traditional customs. I was particularly impressed by the local people's hospitality and friendliness. They welcomed us with open arms and were willing to share their stories and knowledge about their hometown.

Moreover I had the opportunity to go hiking and explore the countryside. Walking through the picturesque villages and rice fields made me appreciate the simplicity and tranquility of rural life. I also had the chance to interact with local farmers and learn about their daily routines and farming techniques.

In conclusion my trip to Guilin was truly unforgettable. The stunning landscapes the rich culture and the warmth of the local people made it a truly remarkable experience. It broadened my horizons and helped me appreciate the beauty of nature and different cultures.







Shanghai Middle School English Composition over the Years


The middle school English composition has always been an important part of the middle school English examination. Understanding Shanghai's middle school English composition over the years is very helpful for students who are preparing for the middle school entrance examination.


The following is the topic and sample essay for Shanghai's middle school English composition over the years

xx年题目My Dream

2013 Topic My Dream

范文My Dream

Sample Essay My Dream

Everyone has a dream. My dream is to become a teacher. I want to share my knowledge with others and help them succeed. I believe that education is the key to success and I want to be a part of that success.

To achieve my dream I need to work hard and take advantage of every opportunity to learn. I need to study hard and excel in my cl. I need to gain experience by working with children and teaching them.

In addition to my education I also need to have a strong work ethic and be dedicated to my goal. I need to be patient understanding and caring. I need to be a good listener and always be willing to lend a helping hand.

Although becoming a teacher is not easy I am willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to achieve my dream. I believe that with dedication hard work and a positive attitude anything is possible.

xx年题目My Hobbies

2014 Topic My Hobbies

范文My Hobbies

Sample Essay My Hobbies

Everyone has a hobby. My hobby is photography. I love taking pictures of nature people and animals. Photography allows me to express myself and capture special moments that I can treasure forever.

To pursue my hobby I need to have a good camera and a creative eye. I need to know how to use the camera and understand the lighting and composition of a good photograph.

I also need to be patient and willing to wait for the perfect shot. Sometimes I need to get up early or stay up late to capture the best light or the most interesting scene.

Photography is not only a fun hobby but it also allows me to appreciate the beauty of the world around me. I can capture moments that might otherwise go unnoticed and share them with others.

In the future I hope to develop my skills even further and possibly even pursue a career in photography. I believe that if I work hard and continue to improve I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

xx年题目My Future

2015 Topic My Future

范文My Future

Sample Essay My Future

As a student I am often asked about my future plans. Although I am not sure yet what I want to do I have some ideas about what I would like my future to look like.

First and foremost I want to continue my education. I want to go to a good university and study something that I am passionate about. I want to gain as much knowledge as possible and be prepared for whatever career I choose.

In addition to my education I also want to travel and see the world. I believe that experiencing different cultures and meeting new people can broaden my perspective and help me grow as a person.

Ultimately I want to have a fulfilling career that allows me to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it is in education business or some other field I want to be able to make a difference and help others.

Although I am not sure yet what my future holds I am excited to explore the possibilities and see where life takes me. With hard work and determination I believe that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

