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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 16:28:39 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”商务销售报告“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Business Sales Report。以下是关于商务销售报告的七年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”商务销售报告“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Business Sales Report。以下是关于商务销售报告的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Business Sales Report

In this year, material composition and age are not closely combined. People think it is "failure". I do not agree.

Chinese writing is not a political issue, nor a technical issue or a historical issue, but a problem of students' thinking and expression. Therefore, we should keep up with the trend of the times, but there are some philosophical themes. This will be a trend of writing materials in the future This trend also exists in the article.




Sales and business negotiation a: I'm sorry, the price you quoted is too high. If we buy it at this price, it's hard for us to promote sales. B: Well, if you take quality into account, you won't think our price is too high.

A: let's meet each other half a: I'm sorry, your price has soared, almost higher than last year's B: that's because the price of raw materials has gone up a: I know Thank you a: how much do you plan to order B: I'd like to order a dozen a: at present, the most we can give you is a: we have checked the rice, and we are surprised to find that the weight is not enough. B: our goods are based on the weight on board rather than the weight sold at the time of unloading. A: I see.

Next, I'd like to discuss the packing. B: please state your opinion on the packing. A: OK, we hope we can I'm afraid the cartons are not strong enough for sea transportation.

A: as far as I know, you are already very good at transportation. B: Yes, we have arranged goods to be shipped all over the world. A: do you have a charter party A: do you prefer goods by rail or by sea B: by sea, because by rail Transportation costs are high.

We prefer sea transportation. A: that's our idea. A: when can you deliver the goods? I'm very worried about late delivery.

B: we can deliver the goods in December or early next year at the latest. A: very good. A: you know, packaging has a great impact on sales.

B: Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always attach great importance to packaging. A: we hope the new packaging can bring satisfaction to our customers.




Executive summary Title Introduction / terms of reference methodology / process findings recommendations appendix executive summary this report shows that the report will be presented in the vast majority of its space, on improving the training methods of HDC employees' proposed incentive plan and on the introduction of the work system / terms of reference of the report on the adoption of flexible work system the purpose of this report review / interpretation is to investigate / evaluate / study The purpose of this report is to suggest / yze / give out. The purpose of this report is to provide feedback / sment / sment. Attached is a report on methods / procedures.

A sample of workers individually asked for their opinions. In this project, the respondents filled in a questionnaire. The survey information was mainly by calling the manufacturer.

The survey results showed that most people thought / suggested that / found / felt / found Some people mentioned that several changes had been proposed, and several staff members indicated that the table / graph / graph / graph / statistical display / description / explanation can be seen from the table / graph / graph, and it can be clearly / obviously seen from the table / graph / graph / the number of / figures / statistics from the increase / jump / sudden / rapid / sharp rise to decrease / decrease / sharp decrease / significant sharp decrease from slow / slight Fluctuate to keep stable / stable quantity unchanged there is a very sudden / rapid / dramatic / significant increase in the number of profits / jump / rise in the number of monthly profits sharp / sharp / stable / gradually / slowly / slightly down / down / down / down / down / down / number in December monthly profit peaked / number peaked in December / number peaked in December / monthly profit / number bottomed in December Conclusion there is a significant increase / rise / decrease / decrease between the recommended appendices.



