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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 16:49:09 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”能源“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Energy。以下是关于能源的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。



There are too many people who waste energy, so we also need to save energy. In summer, we need to reduce the time of using air conditioning. When we leave the room, we should turn off the lights at any time.

When we watch TV, we also need to turn off the lights. We need to tell our colleagues about energy conservation.




We can really "change the world" with one light bulb. The key is that the more people take this step, the more we can change the world. If you want to leave the room for more than five minutes, do not turn on the lights.

If you know that there is a light that everyone forgot to turn off, make a sticker or sign next to the switch that says "lights outeb9ee7ad" or "don't forget.". If possible, use compact fluorescent bulbs. These light bulbs produce the same amount of light by using a quarter of the power, they can last for years without burning out, turn off the TV when no one is watching it, for computers, radios, and sound systems.

If no one is using it, turn it off, turn off all the appliances on the surge protector / control strip, and you plug all your computer stuff into devices like modems or their His network equipment, has been consuming a small amount of power, first check with your family, but the best way is to turn them off at the surge protector.


我们真的可以用一个灯泡来“改变世界”关键是越是迈出这一步的人越多,我们就越能改变世界。如果你要离间超过五分钟,就不要开着灯,如果你知道有一盏灯大家都忘了关了,在开关旁边做一个贴纸或标牌,上面写着“Lights Outeb9ee7ad”或“Don't Forget”。如果可能的话,请使用紧凑型荧光灯泡。



China is rich in energy resources. For example, coal and oil are two essential energy sources for the development of national industry. China has done a lot of science and technology to improve the production of coal and oil in the past few decades.

Three kinds of energy are being consumed rapidly. With the construction of "four modernizations", new industrial and scientific projects are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain, all of which consume a lot of energy In addition, there is a considerable waste of these resources in the process of utilization. The government must first take certain measures, and secondly, let people realize the importance of energy conservation and strive to develop new energy sources, such as solar energy and geothermal energy.

We have reason to be optimistic about this.



