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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 16:58:21 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”名人名言“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:famous saying。以下是关于名人名言的三年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”名人名言“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:famous saying。以下是关于名人名言的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:famous saying

All for one, one for all, others live to eat, and I eat to live Socrates, easy to come, easy to go, love without a sword rules his kingdom, Herbert, and we soon believe that Chaucer's darkest moment we long for is the longest day before dawn. Howell's life without a goal is like sailing without a compass A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Heywood a swallow doesn't make a summer pub.

A man can lead a horse into the water, but he can't let it drink. Heywood can't eat cake and Davis time is money Benjamin Franklin time and tide wait no one Scott no rose no thorn ray watch people watch most games Smedley beggars can't choose Heywood first Get your rabbit first. Thackeray won't come to me unless I go to it.

Moore, a great man, is always willing to be a little R W. Emerson cowards died many times before they died. Julius Caesar.

Anyone can imagine. Anyone else can make Jules Verne go to bed early and get up early. A healthy, rich, intelligent Benjamin Franklin's life is a series of determined attempts to try more comprehensive goals to determine what you are going to be.

Julius Owen, all human wisdom uses two It's not enough to wait and hope for Alexander Dumas P é re to be industrious. What are ants? You work hard for Tau. You have to believe in yourself.

That's the secret of success. Charles Chaplin. Nothing is more precious than independence and .

Ho Chi Minh. I like the dream of the future more than the past Jefferson's history. Money is round.

It's rolling away. What do we add here We can live, not get what we can get from it. William Osler's life itself, without the help of colleges and universities, is becoming an advanced institution of learning from Thomas Alva Edison.


一切为了一个,一个为了所有,其他人活着是为了吃,而我是为了活着而吃苏格拉底,来得容易,去得容易,没有剑的爱统治着他的王国赫伯特我们很快就相信我们所渴望的乔叟最黑暗的时刻是黎明前最漫长的一天有尽头豪厄尔生活没有目标就像航海没有罗盘拉斯金一只鸟在手胜过两只在灌木丛海伍德一只燕子不做夏天的酒馆一个人可以牵着马到水里,但是他不能让它喝海伍德不能吃蛋糕和戴维斯时间是金钱本杰明时间和潮汐等待没有人斯科特没有玫瑰没有荆棘雷看人看大多数比赛斯梅德利乞丐不能选择海伍德首先抓住你的兔子萨克雷胜利不会来找我除非我去它摩尔一个伟大的人总是愿意做一个小R W爱默生懦夫在他们死前死了很多次朱利叶斯·凯撒任何一个人能想象到的,其他人可以让儒勒·凡尔纳早睡早起,使一个人健康、富有,聪明的本杰明·的生活就是一系列下定决心的尝试更全面的目标决定你将成为什么朱利叶斯·欧文所有的人类智慧都用两个词来概括:等待和希望亚历山大仲马Pére勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁是什么你为梭罗勤劳你必须相信你自己这是成功的秘诀查尔斯卓别林没有什么比独立和自由更珍贵我更喜欢未来的梦想比过去的杰斐逊的历史钱是圆的它滚滚而去的阿历申我们在这里补充什么我们可以去生活,而不是从中得到我们所能得到的东西威廉·奥斯勒生活本身,没有高校的帮助,正在成为一所学习托马斯·阿尔瓦·生的高级学府。


All for one, one for all, others live to eat, and I eat to live Socrates, easy to come, easy to go, love without a sword rules his kingdom, Herbert, and we soon believe that Chaucer's darkest moment we long for is the longest day before dawn. Howell's life without a goal is like sailing without a compass A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Heywood a swallow doesn't make a summer pub.

A man can lead a horse into the water, but he can't let it drink. Heywood can't eat cake and Davis time is money Benjamin Franklin time and tide wait no one Scott no rose no thorn ray watch people watch most games Smedley beggars can't choose Heywood first Get your rabbit first. Thackeray won't come to me unless I go to it.

Moore, a great man, is always willing to be a little R W. Emerson cowards died many times before they died. Julius Caesar.

Anyone can imagine. Anyone else can make Jules Verne go to bed early and get up early. A healthy, rich, intelligent Benjamin Franklin's life is a series of determined attempts to try more comprehensive goals to determine what you are going to be.

Julius Owen, all human wisdom uses two To sum up: waiting and hoping Alexander Dumas P é re is not enough to be industrious, ants. What are you working for Tau? You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success, Charles Chaplin.


一切为了一个,一个为了所有,其他人活着是为了吃,而我是为了活着而吃苏格拉底,来得容易,去得容易,没有剑的爱统治着他的王国赫伯特我们很快就相信我们所渴望的乔叟最黑暗的时刻是黎明前最漫长的一天有尽头豪厄尔生活没有目标就像航海没有罗盘拉斯金一只鸟在手胜过两只在灌木丛海伍德一只燕子不做夏天的酒馆一个人可以牵着马到水里,但是他不能让它喝海伍德不能吃蛋糕和戴维斯时间是金钱本杰明时间和潮汐等待没有人斯科特没有玫瑰没有荆棘雷看人看大多数比赛斯梅德利乞丐不能选择海伍德首先抓住你的兔子萨克雷胜利不会来找我除非我去它摩尔一个伟大的人总是愿意做一个小R W爱默生懦夫在他们死前死了很多次朱利叶斯·凯撒任何一个人能想象到的,其他人可以让儒勒·凡尔纳早睡早起,使一个人健康、富有,聪明的本杰明·的生活就是一系列下定决心的尝试更全面的目标决定你将成为什么朱利叶斯·欧文所有的人类智慧都用两个词来概括:等待和希望亚历山大仲马Pére勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁们你为梭罗勤劳什么你必须相信自己这是成功的秘诀查尔斯卓别林。


"Victory belongs to the most persevering person"; "adversity is the midwife of genius"; "genius is an infinite ability to bear pain"; "man is more easily dominated by evil than virtue." "environment is created by me"; "men only consider their own needs, never consider their own ability"; "my motto has always been: open career, for all talented people, There is no difference in birth " people have only two levers: fear and self-interest." "success I only judge people according to the results of their actions.".


“胜利属于最坚忍不拔的人”;“逆境是天才的助产士”;“天才是一种承受痛苦的无限能力”;“人比美德更容易被所支配”“环境是我创造的”;“男人只考虑自己的需要,从不考虑自己的能力”;“我的座右铭一直是:事业开放对所有有才能的人来说,没有出身的区别“ 人只有两个杠杆:恐惧和自利”“成功我只根据他们行动的结果来判断人”。

