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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 17:12:56 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”最喜欢的中国建筑“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Favorite Chinese Architecture。以下是关于最喜欢的中国建筑的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”最喜欢的中国建筑“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Favorite Chinese Architecture。以下是关于最喜欢的中国建筑的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favorite Chinese Architecture

China's Architectural Style – 中国建筑风格


China has a long history and cultural traditions which are also reflected in the country's architectural style. The characteristics of Chinese architectural style focus on the integration of the building and natural environment as well as the rhythm and color of the buildings. The main features of traditional Chinese architecture include the angle of the roof and walls the shape of the windows and the layout of the buildings.

中国建筑风格传统的样式包括“四合院”和“园林式庭院”等 “四合院”是指一个中心广场被四栋房子环绕而成其中一个是主屋其他三个是厢房形成门前三包的形式这种风格的建筑物通常是由红砖或木材建造而成

Traditional Chinese architectural styles include the "Siheyuan" and "Garden Court" styles. "Siheyuan" refers to a central square surrounded by four houses one being the main house and the other three being side houses forming a "three-bao" style. Buildings of this style are usually made of red bricks or wood.


"Garden Court" is a typical Chinese architectural style that focuses on the integration with the natural environment and the relationship between buildings and water bodies. In addition traditional Chinese architectural styles also focus on symmetry proportion and the planning and layout of buildings.


Today China's architectural style has incorporated modern elements and uses more modern materials and technology while still maintaining its traditional style and achieving new innovations.


China has a rich history of architectural achievements showcasing a unique blend of tradition and innovation. Chinese architecture is renowned for its grandeur intricacy and attention to detail.

One of the most iconic examples of Chinese architecture is the Great Wall of China. Stretching over 21000 miles this monumental structure was built to protect China from invasions and has become a symbol of the country's resilience and strength. The construction of the Great Wall involved the use of bricks stones earth and wood with watchtowers battlements and fortresses strategically placed along its length.

Another notable architectural marvel in China is the Forbidden City in Beijing. This imperial palace complex served as the residence of Chinese emperors from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty. Spanning over 180 acres and consisting of numerous buildings it is a testament to the richness of Chinese culture and the ingenuity of its architects. The Forbidden City features traditional Chinese architectural elements such as upturned eaves exquisite carvings and colorful roof tiles.

Traditional Chinese gardens also hold a special place in Chinese architectural heritage. These meticulously designed spaces are known for their harmonious blending of nature architecture and art. Chinese gardens often include elements such as pavilions ponds rock formations and intricate pathways that create a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The Suzhou Gardens for example are renowned for their miniature landscapes delicate bridges and unique rock compositions.

In recent years China has also embraced modern architectural styles and made significant advancements in futuristic designs. Landmark buildings like the Shanghai Tower the Bird's Nest Stadium in Beijing and the Guangzhou Opera House showcase China's commitment to innovation and creativity. These structures combine modern materials cutting-edge technologies and artistic aesthetics to redefine the landscape.

Overall Chinese architecture is a reflection of the country's rich history cultural diversity and ambition for the future. It stands as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of Chinese architects and continues to inspire awe and admiration from people around the world.


中国建筑最具标志性的例子之一是长城这座庞大的建筑物全长超过21000英里建造于保护中国免受入侵并成为中国坚韧和力量的象征长城的建造采用了砖石、土地和木材沿途 strategically 遍布了瞭望塔、城墙和堡垒





