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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 17:16:47 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”倡议书“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Proposal。以下是关于倡议书的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。



Dear students

As we all know English is becoming more and more important in our daily lives. It is widely used in communication business and education. Therefore I propose that we should enhance our English learning and make it a priority.

Firstly we can start by creating an English-speaking environment. We can practice speaking English with our classmates or teachers during break time and try to communicate in English as much as possible. This will not only improve our speaking skills but also boost our confidence.

Secondly we can read more English books or articles. Reading can enrich our vocabulary and improve our understanding of grammar and sentence structures. We can also join an English club or group where we can share our interests and ideas with others.

Lastly we can make good use of technology to enhance our English learning. There are many useful apps and websites that can help us learn English anytime and anywhere. We can also watch English movies or TV shows with subtitles to improve our listening skills.

In conclusion let us take the initiative to improve our English skills. With determination and hard work we can achieve our goals and become proficient in English. Thank you.








Dear all

As we all know the world is facing various challenges at the moment from climate change to social inequality. In order to tackle these issues we must take action together. Therefore I would like to propose the following initiatives

1. Environmental protection It is our responsibility to protect the environment for future generations. We can start by reducing our carbon footprint through practices such as using public transportation or reusable bags.

2. Volunteer work Volunteering is a great way to give back to our communities and help those in need. Let's join hands to organize volunteer programs to help the poor or the elderly.

3. Education for all Education is the key to a better future. We must guarantee equal access to education for everyone regardless of their economic or social status.

4. Anti-discrimination Discrimination against any group based on their race gender religion or ual orientation is unacceptable. We need to promote inclusiveness and respect for diversity.

Let's join hands and take action together to make our world a better place for everyone.



1. 环境保护保护环境是我们对未来世代的责任我们可以从使用公共交通工具或可重复使用的袋子等方面在日常生活中降低碳排放

2. 志愿服务志愿服务是回馈社区帮助有需要的人们的好方法让我们携手组织志愿者项目帮助穷人或老年人等

3. 普及教育教育是未来的关键我们必须确保每个人都有平等的接受教育的机会无论他们的经济或社会地位如何

4. 反歧视基于种族、性别、或性取向等因素对任何群体进行歧视是不可接受的我们需要促进包容和尊重多样性



Today, the environment is getting worse and worse, including air pollution, water pollution and so on. We have to face many serious problems. We must protect the world first.

The air is polluted by our cars and factories, so we must reduce the smoke to protect our air. Then, there are more and more sewage in the world, we are more and more dirty water, we can't live without water, there are thousands of trees in the world that we cut down, there are rubbish everywhere. In a word, our environment has too many problems, we must stop polluting our water.

Aircraft, come on, try to protect our world, there is only one earth.




