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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 17:27:52 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”学农“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:learning agriculture。以下是关于学农的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”学农“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:learning agriculture。以下是关于学农的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:learning agriculture

Title The Journey of Learning Agricultural English 农业英语学习之旅

Introduction 介绍

In today's globalized world learning agricultural English has become increasingly important. As a diligent and ambitious student I embarked on a journey to master this specialized language. This essay will share my experiences challenges and the joys I have encountered along the way.


Body 正文

My journey of learning agricultural English began with laying a strong foundation in basic English. I focused on strengthening my vocabulary grammar and comprehension skills. This not only helped me communicate effectively but also provided a solid base for diving into more intricate agricultural terminologies.


One of the biggest challenges I faced was grasping the technical aspect of agricultural English. Terms like irrigation crop rotation and hybridization were entirely new to me. To overcome this hurdle I sought assistance from agricultural experts and utilized online resources. Through their guidance and extensive reading I gradually began to understand and apply these technical terms in context.


Apart from terminology I also ventured into understanding the different agricultural practices and systems used globally. I explored the concepts of organic farming precision agriculture and sustainable practices. Learning about these methods not only broadened my knowledge but also allowed me to appreciate the diversity and innovation within the agricultural industry.


Throughout my journey I actively engaged in conversations with native English speakers who were involved in the agricultural sector. This gave me the opportunity to practice my language skills while gaining valuable insights into their experiences and perspectives. By actively partiting in agricultural conferences and seminars I was exposed to a wider array of agricultural English vocabulary and industry-specific jargon.


Conclusion 结论

My journey of learning agricultural English has been an enriching and transformative experience. The dedication and effort I invested in this endeavor have paid off tremendously. By mastering this specialized language I have equipped myself with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the agricultural field. I am excited to apply my acquired expertise to contribute to the advancement and sustainability of the agricultural industry.


Learning agricultural English has not only broadened my horizons but has also opened doors to global opportunities. It has enabled me to communicate and collaborate effectively with professionals and researchers from all corners of the world. With continued dedication I am confident that I can become an exceptional student and contribute to the advancement of agriculture globally.


Overall learning agricultural English has been an incredible journey that has shaped me into a more knowledgeable adaptable and skilled individual. It has given me the tools to appreciate the importance of agriculture and to actively contribute to its development both locally and globally.


Vocabulary 词汇

agricultural English 农业英语

terminology 术语

irrigation 灌溉

crop rotation 轮作

hybridization 杂交

organic farming 有机农业

precision agriculture 精确农业

sustainable practices 可持续实践

industry-specific jargon 行业特定术语

global opportunities 全球机会

collaborate 合作

knowledgeable 富有知识的

adaptable 适应能力强的

development 发展


Today is the first day of our grade study. Our whole grade went to Zhuhai agricultural branch center to study agricultural activities for one day. When we came to the agricultural center, we first visited various vegetables.

In the afternoon, we learned how to grind Soybean milk. The next morning, we listened to a modern agricultural technology class in the afternoon. In the evening, we had Chinese cabbage.

We worked very hard and went home to study really hard.



