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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 17:54:41 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”介绍朋友的手抄报“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introducing a friend's handwritten newspaper。以下是关于介绍朋友的手抄报的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”介绍朋友的手抄报“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introducing a friend's handwritten newspaper。以下是关于介绍朋友的手抄报的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introducing a friend's handwritten newspaper

Introduction of Myself


Hello everyone I am an excellent student from China. My name is Li Hua and I am 18 years old. I love learning especially the English language. I believe that with continuous learning and hard work I will be able to achieve my dreams.


I am currently a high school student in my senior year. For me this year is very important as I will be facing the college entrance examination. I am working hard to study all the subjects especially mathematics and physics. I believe that only through hard work can I achieve good results.


I have many hobbies such as watching movies listening to music playing basketball and so on. I believe that these hobbies can help me relax and focus more on my studies. In addition I also enjoy traveling because it can broaden my horizons and open up my mind.


Besides I am also a person who loves life. I am passionate about partiting in social welfare activities to help those in need. I believe that everyone should contribute their strength to society.


This is a brief introduction of myself. I believe that in the future I will continue to work hard to achieve my dreams and become an excellent person.


Swiss culture - Swiss art flourishes, especially the Swiss architects who have won praise all over the world. Swiss culture is characterized by diversity. Swiss people sometimes wonder what makes Switzerland United? A wide range of traditional customs is a reflection of this diversity the average age of approximately permanent population in Switzerland is increasing.

With the prolongation of people's life span and the decrease of children's number, the life style of Swiss is changing, because the Swiss adapt to the new needs; religious belief has declined in recent years, but the religious landscape has been diversified; Switzerland has four unevenly distributed languages and rich dialects.


瑞士文化——瑞士艺术繁荣,尤其是瑞士的建筑师们获得了全世界的赞誉,瑞士文化的特点是多样性,瑞士人有时会想知道是什么使瑞士团结在一起的?广泛的传统习俗就是这种多样性的一种反映 瑞士的大约有常住人口的平均年龄在增加,随着人们寿命的延长和子女数量的减少,瑞士人的生活方式正在改变,因为瑞士人适应了新的需求;信仰近年来有所下降,但景观已经多样化;瑞士有四种分布不均的语言和丰富的方言。


The Olympic Games landscape design involves the implementation of a comprehensive identification, decoration and guide sign plan for all Olympic venues and venues. Its activities mainly include design, project management, production and installation of the differences between game image and appearance. Attention must be paid to the image.

All design, image and artistic issues determine the visual effect of the overall design of the Olympic Games. The planning and production of the Olympic Games will be carried out during the Olympic Games All materials. The appearance of the game includes graphics that can be used for banners and towers.

The OCOG provides a unified design and image for the Olympic venues and the public space in the host city. The OCOG can set up a functional area responsible for the standardized management of the Olympic landscape and sports facilities http://zhidaobaiducom/question/htmlfr=qrl3http///zhidaobiducom/question/htmlsi =The 29th Beijing Olympic Games The Olympic Games the International Olympic Committee (IOC) set up the Olympic symbol on June 3. The five rings represent the unification of the five continents and the gathering of world athletes at the Olympic Games.

The official languages of the International Olympic Committee are French and English. The Olympic flame is a symbol that reminds people of the ancient Olympic Games The annual Olympic Games are opened by the head of state of the host country. The delegation reviews in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, with the exception of Greece, the leader of the delegation, and the host country that submitted the review http://zhidaobiducom/question/htmlsi=5.



