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my family现在进行时英语作文_高中满分英语作文5篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 17:57:20 阅读: 次

my family现在进行时英语作文_高中满分英语作文5篇

前言: 关于”my family现在进行时“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:my family now in progress。以下是关于my family现在进行时的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”my family现在进行时“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:my family now in progress。以下是关于my family现在进行时的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:my family now in progress



现在进行时指描述正在进行的动作或状态它的构成是“be动词+动词-ing形式”例如“我正在打电话”可以用“I am a phone call”表示


1. 表示当前正在进行的动作如“I am studying English now”(我正在学英语)

2. 表示当前正在发生的状况如“The sun is shining brightly”(阳光灿烂)

3. 表示计划或安排的将来动作如“We are going to the party tonight”(我们今晚要去参加聚会)

4. 表示暂时的、不习惯的或正在改变的状态如“She is learning to drive”(她正在学)


1. 现在进行时不能用于表示长期或习惯性的动作如“I am liking ice cream”是错误的正确的应该是“I like ice cream”

2. 现在进行时不能用于表示对客观事实的陈述如“You are being silly”是错误的正确的应该是“You are silly”

3. 现在进行时不能用于句子的主语处如“正在学英语的是我”是错误的正确的应该是“I am the one who is studying English”


The Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense refers to the action or state that is currently happening. It is formed by using the present tense of the verb 'to be' and the -ing form of the verb. For example "I am a phone call" can be used to express "我正在打电话".

The present continuous tense is usually used in the following situations

1. To indicate an action that is currently happening such as "I am studying English now" (我正在学英语).

2. To describe a current state that is happening such as "The sun is shining brightly" (阳光灿烂).

3. To indicate a planned or arranged action in the future such as "We are going to the party tonight" (我们今晚要去参加聚会).

4. To describe a temporary unusual or changing state such as "She is learning to drive" (她正在学).

When using the present continuous tense it is important to note the following points

1. The present continuous tense cannot be used to describe a long-term or habitual action such as "I am liking ice cream" is incorrect and should be "I like ice cream."

2. The present continuous tense cannot be used to describe an objective fact such as "You are being silly" is incorrect and should be "You are silly."

3. The present continuous tense cannot be used at the beginning of a sentence such as "正在学英语的是我" is incorrect and should be "I am the one who is studying English."

In summary the present continuous tense is used to describe the action or state that is currently happening. When using it it is important to note its characteristics and limitations.


现在进行时指示的是当前正在进行的动作或状态它由be动词 + 现在分词构成下面是一个现在进行时的英语作文例子

My dog is sleeping on the couch while I am writing this essay. It's a rainy day and the atmosphere is calm. I am listening to some soft music to help me focus.


In this moment I am thinking about how lucky I am to have such a wonderful pet. He is always there to lay his head on my lap and make me feel better when I am feeling down.


I am also reflecting on how important it is to take breaks and enjoy the little things in life. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind but moments like this remind me to slow down and appreciate the present.


Overall I am grateful for this moment of peace and the chance to write about it. It's a reminder to cherish the present and all the beautiful things that come with it.


满分英语范文3:my family现在进行时

现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense)表示现在正在进行的动作或状态下面是一篇关于现在进行时的作文附有中文翻译

My sister is cooking dinner in the kitchen. She is wearing an a and stirring a pot of soup. The delicious aroma fills the air my stomach growl. I am sitting at the dining table eagerly waiting for the meal.


At the same time my parents are setting the table. My mom is putting plates and cutlery in their proper places while my dad is arranging the napkins neatly. They are sure everything is ready for the meal.


Outside it is raining heavily. I can hear the raindrops tapping against the windowpane. Despite the gloomy weather the warm atmosphere inside the house brings comfort and joy.


I glance into the living room where my brother is playing video games. He is completely absorbed in the game his eyes fixated on the screen. He occasionally shouts in excitement when he achieves a high score.


In the midst of the activities and sounds the clock strikes six. It's dinnertime We all gather around the table as my sister brings out the delicious meal she has prepared. We enjoy the food together savoring every bite.


The present continuous tense allows us to describe ongoing actions and situations happening in the present moment. It captures the liveliness of daily life and brings us closer to the events unfolding around us.


本文标题:my family现在进行时英语作文_高中满分英语作文5篇
