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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 18:05:12 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”举办运动会“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:hold sports meeting。以下是关于举办运动会的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”举办运动会“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:hold sports meeting。以下是关于举办运动会的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:hold sports meeting

Our school has a sports meeting every year. I am very excited. I will take part in many sports, such as running and basketball games.

When everyone is shouting for the team, the atmosphere is so active. I can feel our young and energetic vitality. It's great to be one of them.




Inform boys and girls, please note that we will have a sports meeting next Friday. The meeting will be held on the playground of our school. From 6 a.m.

to 6 p.m., anyone who wants to partite in the competition can come. We want to remind you to be on time. Thank you.




Sports meeting last month we held a sports meeting. Although the weather was not very good that day, the students were very excited and the whole school was very active. This time I am more excited because I partited in the sports meeting, my project is high jump, I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to enjoy the game, because I know I'm not good at sports.

When my friends and I got to the court, when I saw the first height, I was excited and nervous, my heart could hardly heat; how high it was, higher than our table, I couldn't believe my eyes were too high, I didn't feel nervous and a little scared when I jumped over, but I had already gone there and I had to try. The competition started. The first man was very good.

He jumped over easily. I was so surprised that I couldn't say a word. The second one was good.

The third one almost jumped, but he was not bad. It was my turn to take a deep breath and run to the pole. I started to jump.

Oh, no, my right foot hit the pole. I thought, then another unfortunate thing happened. I couldn't stand still, I fell down and I hurt my back badly.

I feel that my back is broken. It's too painful. It seems that people around me don't know.

They just laugh at my stupid posture. After a short rest, I stand up I push my back pain, and then walk out of the court with my red face. My friend ran to me and asked me if it was terrible.

My back was too painful to answer his question. I just shook my head. I was very sad.

Not only did I hurt my back, but I couldn't continue the race. I had to see other people jump up in the hope that they could get a good position. I didn't partite in the whole competition.

I was still very happy because many of my classmates were comparing They did their best in the game. They got a lot of good results. In my opinion, they are the best.

I thank them for their best efforts for our class.



比赛开始了,第一个人很好,他轻松地跳了过去,我惊讶得说不出一句话第二个很好,第三个也差点跳了过去,但他并不坏‰轮到我深吸一口气,然后朝杆子前面跑去,我开始跳起来哦,不,我的右脚撞到了杆子我想,然后,另一件不幸的事情发生了,我站不稳,我摔倒了,我的背伤得很重。我觉得我的背断了,太痛苦了,似乎周围的人都不知道,他们只是嘲笑我愚蠢的姿势后,很短的休息,我站起来 我推我的背疼,然后带着我的红脸走出球场。我的朋友急忙跑来问我,这是否很可怕我的背太疼了,没法回答他的问题我只摇了摇头,我很难过,我不仅伤了我的背,而且我不能继续比赛,我不得不看到其他人跳起来,希望他们能得到一个好的位置我没有参加整个比赛,我仍然很高兴,因为我的很多同学在比赛中尽了最大的努力,他们得到了很多好成绩,在我看来他们都是最好的我很感谢他们为我们班尽了最大的努力。

