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前言: 关于”包饺子的过程“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The process of making dumplings。以下是关于包饺子的过程的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”包饺子的过程“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The process of dumplings。以下是关于包饺子的过程的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The process of dumplings

包饺子的过程(Making Dumplings)


1. 准备好饺子皮和馅料

Prepare the dumpling wrappers and the filling.

2. 在饺子皮中央放上一勺馅料

Place a sful of filling in the center of a dumpling wrapper.

3. 将饺子皮对折把两边捏起来

Fold the dumpling wrapper in half and pinch the two sides together.

4. 按照你喜欢的方式把饺子包起来

Wrap the dumpling in any way you like.

5. 把饺子放在开水中煮熟

Boil the dumplings in hot water until they are cooked.

6. 把饺子捞出来装盘

Take the dumplings out and place them onto a plate.

7. 最后你可以蘸上一些酱油或者辣椒油享受美食

Finally you can dip the dumplings into some soy sauce or chili oil and enjoy your meal


Making dumplings is one of the traditional Chinese foods. Here is a simple guide to help you learn how to make dumplings.

1. Prepare the dumpling wrappers and the filling.

2. Place a sful of filling in the center of a dumpling wrapper.

3. Fold the dumpling wrapper in half and pinch the two sides together.

4. Wrap the dumpling in any way you like.

5. Boil the dumplings in hot water until they are cooked.

6. Take the dumplings out and place them onto a plate.

7. Finally you can dip the dumplings into some soy sauce or chili oil and enjoy your meal

Making dumplings requires skill and patience. However after practicing a few times you will become proficient and make delicious dumplings.


Jiaozi is a traditional Chinese food. In China, many people like to eat dumplings. In fact, I also like some people who eat dumplings.

They eat dumplings every year on Chinese festivals. In addition, there are many restaurants that only make dumplings and they are very professional. For example, they can use different ways and different ways.

In short, I like to eat dumplings.




Make dumplings, you will need: cup of flour (dumplings) baking powder (dumplings) 1 / 2 teas salt (dumplings) cups of milk (dumplings) soup or soup (basic dumplings) cups of flour (egg dumplings) baking powder (egg dumplings) salt 1 / 2 teass (egg dumplings) eggs, beat (egg dumplings) 1 / 2 C water (egg dumpling) soup or soup (egg dumpling) potato (potato dumpling) egg, beat (potato dumpling) pinch of salt (potato dumpling) 1 / 2 cup bread crumb (potato dumpling) 1 / 2 teas pepper (potato dumpling) 1 / 2 cup flour (potato dumpling) cup water (potato dumpling), start with the basic dumpling, mix several cups of flour, a teas of baking powder and half a teas of salt in one In a bowl, add a cup of milk, stir it with a fork, s it into a soft dough, scoop up a small dough, put them in a stew or soup, cover the pot, and let the dumplings boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Once you've made basic dumplings from scratch, put them in the boiled soup or soup. If you like light and tender dumplings, you can add eggs to the dough and make egg dumplings from the beginning.

Mix two cups of flour with a teas of baking powder and half a teas of salt, add a little beaten eggs and half a cup of water, and stir with a s until a co paste is formed. Use a teas of dough, drop into the boiling broth or soup, cover the pot, let the dumplings boil, like the basic dumplings, egg dumplings made from scratch can be placed in the boiling liquid. You can also make potato dumplings from scratch.

Fill the pan with water, bring to a boil, and then add the unshelled potatoes and cook for about 15 minutes until the potatoes are soft. When the potatoes are cold enough to be processed, take them out of the pot, peel and mash the potatoes, add the beaten eggs, half a cup of bread crumbs, half a teas of pepper, and half a cup of flour. Mix the ingredients to make a soft dough.

Then use your hands to make a soft dough Make a half inch ball, boil the water, add a pinch of salt, gently put the potato dumplings in boiling water for about 10 minutes, until it starts to float, and then drain the water. Once you make potato dumplings from scratch, you can add a little yellow oil to the soup of your choice, serve it gently, or even cover it with gravy.


包饺子,你会的需要:杯面粉(包饺子)泡打粉(包饺子)1/2茶匙盐(包饺子)杯奶(包饺子)汤或汤(包基本饺子)杯面粉(包蛋饺子)泡打粉(包蛋饺子)盐1/2茶匙(蛋饺子)鸡蛋,打(蛋饺子)1/2 c水(蛋饺子)煮汤或汤(蛋饺子)土豆(土豆饺子)鸡蛋,打(土豆饺子)一撮盐(土豆饺子)½杯面包屑(土豆饺子)½茶匙胡椒粉(土豆饺子)½杯面粉(土豆饺子)杯水(土豆饺子),从头开始包基本的饺子,把几杯面粉、一茶匙发酵粉和半茶匙盐混合在一个碗里,加上一杯牛奶,用叉子搅拌,用汤匙把它搅成柔软的面团,舀一个小团的面团,把它们放到一个炖汤或汤里,盖上锅盖,让饺子煮10到15分钟,一旦你从头开始做基本的饺子,就把它们放在煮过的汤或汤里。如果你喜欢清淡嫩嫩的饺子,你可以在面团里加入鸡蛋,从头开始蛋饺子,将两杯面粉与一茶匙发酵粉和半茶匙盐混合,加入少许打好的鸡蛋和半杯水,用勺子搅拌,直到形成一个粗糙的面糊。用茶匙舀一勺面团,滴入煮沸的肉汤或汤里,盖上锅盖,让饺子煮沸像基本的饺子一样,从零开始做的鸡蛋饺子可以放在煮沸的液体里。


