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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 18:44:13 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”心灵奇旅观后感100字“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:100 words of mind adventure。以下是关于心灵奇旅观后感100字的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”心灵奇旅观后感100字“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:100 words of mind adventure。以下是关于心灵奇旅观后感100字的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:100 words of mind adventure

In every student's mind, there is a favorite cartoon. This is an accidental chance that I especially like naruto. I came into contact with Naruto, which brought me spiritual shock.

One really moved "Naruto". This cartoon has become my good friend for many years. I summarize it as "Naruto" ”Spirit is an independent spirit that never gives up.

As my spiritual pillar, I keep watching several eodes of "charging". It requires me to be strong, diligent and resolute, and let me bid farewell to green and cultivate an independent and positive spirit in difficulties. This work is not only for the children, but also for adults, Naruto has enjoyed a high reputation abroad, and even the elderly are addicted to elaboration, Why is the popularity of this work declining from the series to now? Why is it that its inner spirit has moved generations of people and inspired many people who are eager for life to fall in love with this cartoon deeply, because its soul will never die.



万能作文模板2:心灵冒险 100 字 :

Put a few pounds of chicken in a pot, boil it with enough cold water for about half an hour, then add an onion, a carrot, and put it for three hours. Add enough water to keep everything below the suce. Finally, you need some salt.

You have a good chicken soup.




Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British writer J K. Rowling. The book describes the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter of the same name, as well as his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

The central story is about Harry's struggle with the evil wizard Voldemort. He killed Harry's parents in the process of conquering the wizarding world. After that, he tried to conquer the Muggle (non magic) world.

Today, we watched a movie. The name of the film is calling: that day, after tomorrow, what the movie says is: a world happens to become a cold world. In the movie It shows a scene of the temperature plummeting in New York and other areas.

Almost every ten degrees, the sky is still under terrible hail, and even more afraid of tornadoes. After being punctured by a tornado, New York City becomes a broken city, the whole city more fruitless. This is really shocking and makes people's heart not calm for a long time.

Although it is exaggerated in the film, we are not just like this now The world has become warm, please do yourself, environmental protection, create our environment more beautiful.


《哈利·波特》是由英国作家J K·罗琳创作的一系列七部奇幻小说,书中记述了同名的少年巫师哈利·波特的历险历程,以及他的好友罗恩·韦斯莱和赫敏·格兰杰。中心故事讲述了哈利与的巫师伏地魔的斗争,他在征服巫师世界的过程中杀死了哈利的父母,之后他试图征服麻瓜(非魔法)世界,今天我们看了一部电影,这部电影的名字是打电话:那天明日之后这部电影所说的是:一个世界碰巧变成了冷淡的世界,在电影中播放的是纽约等地区气温暴跌的一幕,几乎每降十几度天空还下着可怕的冰雹,也更怕龙卷风,被龙卷风刺穿后纽约市瞬间成了破城之城,使整个城市变得更加毫无结果这真的让人触目惊心,让人的心久久不能平静,虽然在电影中很夸张,但我们现在不只是这样:世界变得温暖请同学们从做自己,环保,创造我们的环境更漂亮。

