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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 19:30:36 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”演讲稿“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Speeches。以下是关于演讲稿的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。











Dear teachers and dear fellow students

Hello I am honored to have the opportunity to deliver this speech today. The topic I would like to share with you is "The Power of Dreams".

Everyone has dreams. Dreams are our driving force and the goals we strive for. Dreams inspire us to face difficulties and challenges bravely. It is because of dreams that we can live positively and pursue the future we desire.

The power of dreams is infinite. It can change a person's destiny help them overcome hardships and create a better future. Let's think back to those great figures in history who all have one thing in common – they had firm dreams and fought for them. Whether it's Edison's dream of inventing the light bulb Martin Luther King's dream of racial equality or Steve Jobs' dream of changing the world they all believed in the power of dreams and left their marks on the world.

Fellow students we should also have our own dreams and strive relentlessly for them. No matter what your dream is believe in your abilities and the power of dreams. When you face difficulties don't give up easily but face them bravely and persevere. As the American writer Mark Twain once said "When you find yourself on the side of the majority it is time to pause and reflect." Only by experiencing failures and difficulties can we truly grow and ultimately succeed.

At the same time we should also share our dreams with others and inspire them to pursue their own dreams. By sharing with others we can not only receive support and encouragement but also light the lamp of hope for others. Just like a candle can light countless candles dreams can be passed on to more people and ignite their lives.

Finally I hope that everyone can cherish their dreams pursue them bravely and believe in the power of dreams. Let's work together to create a bright future that belongs to each and every one of us

Thank you all


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to be here to share with you the pain of my growth. I hope you will like it, and I hope you can get something from the pain. Whether you admit it or not, if growth is a piece of paper, everyone will have pain.

If growth is a cup of bitter tea, pain is the color that will not fade, pain is fragrance, and also has my own For example, my spoken English is not standard, but I didn't realize it at the beginning. Until my English teacher asked me to read a text, all my classmates laughed at me. I really don't understand why they laughed.

At that time, my good friend told me that my unciation was really strange. This was the first time that I had read an English text in front of people, but failed Now, I feel very ashamed. I don't want to speak English in front of anyone.

When my English teacher found out, he began to correct my unciation with his help and encouragement. I put my heart into reading the alphabet, words, phrases and the text he told me. A would have a way to thank him.

I made great progress. I thank him very much because he helped me regain my confidence, Let me learn to smile in the face of pain. Pain is a part of life and a part of growing up.

My advice is to take a correct attitude towards pain in the process of growing up, and then you will clean up the pain, work hard, pay the pain, thank the pain, you will enjoy a colorful life. No pain, no gain. Thank you for listening.





Hello everyone


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today. Today I would like to talk about the importance of education.


Education is the foundation of our society. It is through education that we gain knowledge and skills that enable us to succeed in life. Whether it is learning how to read and write or mastering a trade or profession education is essential for personal and professional growth.


However education is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills. It is also about developing critical thinking skills ethical values and social responsibility. Education helps us become better citizens and contribute to the betterment of society.


Unfortunately not everyone has access to quality education. Many people around the world are denied the opportunity to receive an education due to economic or social barriers. This is unacceptable. Education is a right not a privilege.


We need to work together to ensure that everyone has access to quality education. s schools teachers and communities must work together to remove barriers and provide equal opportunities for all.


In conclusion education is the key to personal and professional growth and it is a fundamental right that should be accessible to everyone. Let us work together to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to succeed in life.


Thank you.


