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前言: 关于”成功与失败的关系“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Relationship between success and failure。以下是关于成功与失败的关系的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”成功与失败的关系“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Relationship between success and failure。以下是关于成功与失败的关系的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Relationship between success and failure

When people succeed, it's hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. "Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Explain your position with specific examples when people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with success.

It is almost impossible to be too successful without luck. Napoleon, the French emperor, said of one of his generals," I know he is very good, But he was lucky. Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world could not make up for bad luck, but hard work can bring good luck.

When it comes to success, luck can mean meeting someone in the right place or having the right skills to complete a job. This may mean rejecting a job and getting a better one. Nothing can replace the hard work Work, but hard work also means that you are preparing opportunities for yourself.

Opportunities often depend on luck. How many great inventions and discoveries are made through a lucky mistake or a lucky opportunity? One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus's so-called discovery of America. He benefited his sponsors and changed history, but he was indeed.

However, Columbus's accidental discovery was not pure luck, but the support of years of research and calculation. He worked hard Prove your theory: the world is round, success comes from pure luck, and any effort is not a real problem. For example, suppose a age girl becomes a movie star imagine that she was chosen by ody because of her appearance.

She would feel very insecure because she knew that she had not done anything to win her star status. Think about it An actress. She has spent years studying and working.

When she finally has good luck and is successful, she will better deal with the identity of a star. She knows that she has earned. Hard working people create their own luck by preparing opportunities.

When it comes to success, I think hard work and luck complement each other.


当人们成功时,是因为努力工作,运气与成功无关“你同意还是不同意上面的引语用具体的例子来解释你的立场 当人们成功时,是因为努力,但运气与成功有很大关系,太成功而没有运气几乎是不可能的法国皇帝在谈到他的一位将军时说:“我知道他很好,但他是幸运的知道世上所有的努力和才华都不能弥补厄运,但是努力工作可以带来好运‰说到成功,运气可以意味着在正确的地方遇到一个人,或者拥有正确的技能来完成工作,这可能意味着拒绝一份工作,然后得到一份更好的工作,没有什么能取代艰苦的工作,但是努力工作也意味着你在为自己准备机会机会机会往往取决于运气。有多少伟大的发明和发现是通过一个幸运的错误或一个幸运的机会而产生的历史上最大的幸运错误之一就是哥伦布所谓的发现美洲他使他的赞助者们受益并改变了历史,但他确实是然而,哥伦布的偶然发现并不是纯粹的运气,而是多年的研究和计算的支持,他努力证明自己的理论:世界是圆的,成功来自纯粹的运气,任何努力都不是真正的问题,例如,假设一个十几岁的女孩成为了一个电影明星 想象一下,她因为长相而被无名小卒选中,她会感到非常不安全,因为她知道自己没有做任何事情来赢得自己的明星地位,想想一个女演员,她花了数年的时间学习和工作,当她终于有了好运并获得成功时,她会更好地处理明星的身份,她知道自己是挣来的;努力工作的人通过准备好机会来创造自己的运气,当谈到成功时,我认为努力工作和运气是相辅相成的。


Failure is a thing in one's life. Almost everyone has experienced failure. When a person fails to do something, he often feels uneasy.

Some people may yield to failure and retreat, but others will persist and achieve ultimate success. Success is everyone's expectation that success will bring fame and wealth. When doing something, he is so excited that he often ignores what he has done The temptation to fail.

As the saying goes, "failure teaches success". Failure is an important factor leading to success. The road to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles.

Many important inventions or discoveries are failed only after hundreds of years. Only those successes that have been achieved after many failures are truly valuable and worthy of praise.




Failure is so common in our life that when we fail, no one can avoid it. We are often so frustrated that we have no interest in other things. Sometimes failure can also make us lose confidence.

Therefore, no one wants to be a failure success is what we all hope for, because it can bring us pride and good reputation. Success, we always hope for success If one enjoys constant success in his career, he will be famous and admired by others. However, failure is the mother of success.

Failure doesn't mean that you will never succeed. It depends on how we deal with failure. Those who are always afraid of failure can't experience it and will never succeed.

But as long as we can learn from failure, we will succeed.


失败在我们的生活中是如此的普遍,当我们失败的时候没有人能避免它,我们经常感到沮丧以至于我们对其他事情没有兴趣有时失败也会使我们失去信心因此,没有人想成为一个失败者 成功是我们都希望的,因为它可以给我们带来自豪感和良好的声誉成功,我们总是感到骄傲,好像拥有一切都在我们的手中如果一个人在事业上享受不断的成功,他就会出名并受到别人的崇拜。然而,失败是成功之母失败并不意味着你永远不会成功,这取决于我们如何应对失败那些总是害怕失败的人不能经历它永远不会成功,但只要我们能从失败中吸取教训和经验,我们一定会成功。

