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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 22:46:51 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”长白山及“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Changbai Mountain and。以下是关于长白山及的五年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”长白山及“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Changbai Mountain and。以下是关于长白山及的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changbai Mountain and






Changbai Mountain Essay

Changbai Mountain located at the junction of Liaoning Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces in China is one of the highest mountain ranges in North China. It is named after its peaks which are covered with snow all year round like a long white belt. Changbai Mountain not only has magnificent natural landscapes but also unique human history and cultural heritage. Its beauty and characteristics attract numerous tourists to visit.

Changbai Mountain is a large volcano group. Due to the long-term geological structural movement unique natural landscapes have been formed over the centuries. The most famous one is Changbai Mountain Tianchi which is the largest freshwater alpine lake in northern China and also a unique geological relic. There are also other scenic spots such as Changbai Mountain volcano group Changbai Mountain watell Changbai Mountain hot spring each with its own characteristics.

Changbai Mountain also has rich human history and cultural heritage such as the Manchu culture Korean culture and the Red culture. Tourists can learn about the characteristics and history of these diverse cultures while touring Changbai Mountain.

Changbai Mountain is also a famous summer resort. The temperature on the mountaintop is low and it is like spring all year round. The highest temperature in summer is only about 20°C which is suitable for tourists to escape the heat and have a vacation. There is also the Changbai Mountain International Resort at the foot of the mountain which has elegant hotels exquisite restaurants and a variety of entertainment activities allowing tourists to have a pleasant holiday at Changbai Mountain.

Overall Changbai Mountain is a vibrant tourist destination with not only natural beauty but also unique human history and cultural heritage. Whether you want a leisure vacation or to learn about historical culture you can find your favorite activities at Changbai Mountain. Therefore I highly recommend everyone to visit Changbai Mountain and explore this vibrant and charming place.


Changbai Mountain is located in Antu County, Wusong county and Changbaishan County in the south of Jilin Province. It is one of the nature reserves in China. It covers an area of more than hectare.

It stretches for kilometers from north to South and kilometers from east to west. It has a good natural environment and ecological system. It is one of the world-famous rare animals, such as northeast tiger, sika and saber, which is a typical comprehensive natural existence site of world importance in China It falls on Baitou mountain, the main peak of Changbai Mountain.

It is a typical world-wide comprehensive natural place in China and a lake on the border of China and South Korea. Surrounded by peaks, it is a volcanic crater. The lake is blue, known as "Tianchi".

The basin lake is a typical alpine lake, with an altitude of meters, a maximum depth of meters, and a suce area of square kilometers. It is a typical high mountain lake. The lake water is constantly flowing out, which is two of the upper reaches of the second Songhua River The tiaobai river originates here, and the water level has not changed significantly.

The inside of the lake is a cliff formed by rough rocks and white pumice. The lake is smooth as a mirror, reflecting the strange shapes of cliffs. Changbai mountain watell: the water of Tianchi flows from an opening and a vertical cliff on the north bank.

Changbai mountain hot spring: on the north side of Baitou mountain, there is a group of hot springs with an area of more than 1000 square meters. Two white rivers meander through the hot spring. The spring water concentration area on the right bank is shrouded in hot fog all year round.

The spring water temperature is different. The hot water with the highest degree centigrade contains hydrogen sulfide High medicinal value primeval forest: the vast forest ocean appears mysterious and strange - no old trees have been cut down naturally, the upside down trees are covered with moths, and the young trees are only grown from the old rotten roots.


长白山位于吉林省南部的安图县、武松县、长白山县,是中国自然保护区之一,面积逾公顷,南北绵延公里,东向西公里,自然环境和生态系统良好,东北虎、锡卡、马刀等世界著名的珍稀动物,是中国典型的具有世界重要性的综合性自然存在地——火山口湖:坐落在长白山主峰白头山白头山上,是我国典型的世界性综合性自然存在地又是中韩边境湖泊,四周群峰环抱,是一座火山口,湖水蔚蓝,被称为“天池”,盆地状湖泊,海拔米,最大水深米,面积平方公里,是典型的高山湖泊,湖水不断流出,第二松花江上游的两条白河发源于此,水位没有明显变化,湖岸内侧是由粗糙的岩石和白色浮石形成的峭壁,湖面光滑如镜,上面倒映着奇形怪状的悬崖峭壁,形形。长白山瀑布:天池的水从北岸的一个开口和一个垂直的峭壁中流出,长白山温泉:在白头山北侧,这里有一组面积一千多平方米的温泉,两条白色的河流蜿蜒流过温泉,右岸泉水集中的地方终年笼罩在热雾之中,泉水温度不一,最高摄氏度的热水含有硫化氢,具有很高的药用价值 原始森林:浩瀚的森林海洋显得神秘而诡异——没有老树被自然砍伐过倒立着的树木被蛾子覆盖,幼树只是从老的腐烂的根上长出来的。


On a sunny day last week, my friends and I visited ten Changbai Mountains. We took the bus for half an hour and climbed up the mountain. The environment there is beautiful and famous all over the world.

Many people come there every year, boys, girls, young people and old people. After that, we had lunch there and took some pictures. We were tired, but glad it was a great trip.




