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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 22:48:18 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”nosmoking“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:nosmoking。以下是关于nosmoking的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。



No Smoking


Smoking is a harmful habit that can have serious consequences for both smokers and non-smokers. It not only poses health risks but also causes environmental pollution. Therefore it is crucial to promote the concept of no smoking and create a smoke-free environment for everyone.


Firstly smoking can have severe health consequences. Research has shown that smoking increases the risk of developing various diseases such as lung cancer heart disease and respiratory problems. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes not only affect the smokers but also pose a risk to those who inhale second-hand smoke including children and pregnant women. To protect public health it is essential to discourage smoking and educate people about the dangers of this habit.


Secondly smoking not only affects individual health but also contributes to environmental pollution. Cigarette s which are the most commonly littered item worldwide contain toxic chemicals that can seep into the soil and water leading to contamination. Additionally the smoke emitted from cigarettes releases harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide which contribute to air pollution. By promoting a no smoking environment we can reduce the negative impact on both human health and the environment.


In order to promote the concept of no smoking it is essential to implement effective policies and regulations. s should enact and enforce strict anti-smoking laws such as banning smoking in public places and increasing taxes on tobacco products. Education campaigns should also be conducted to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and help smokers quit this harmful habit. By working together we can create a smoke-free environment that benefits everyone.


In conclusion smoking is a harmful habit that affects both individuals and the environment. It is crucial to promote the concept of no smoking and take actions to create a smoke-free environment. By doing so we can protect public health and reduce environmental pollution caused by smoking.



At present, many agers smoke. I don't think this is a good phenomenon. We must stop smoking because smoking is harmful in many ways.

First of all, smoking is harmful to our health. When we start smoking, it is very difficult to quit smoking, because tobacco contains a drug called nicotine. When we do not have nicotine, it will make us form the habit of smoking.

Second, our body will feel uncomfortable. When we smoke in bed, smoking is very dangerous. We may commit or burn down our house, because burning cigarette s will cause a fire, and if we throw cigarette s anywhere, it will also cause a fire.

Moreover, once we smoke in public places, we will make other people feel uncomfortable. Please do not smoke for the sake of your and others' health.




