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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 23:05:10 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”用描写农场的小“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe the small farm.。以下是关于用描写农场的小的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”用描写农场的小“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe the small farm.。以下是关于用描写农场的小的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe the small farm.

A Farm

A farm is a place where crops are grown and animals are raised for food or other purposes. It is usually located in the countryside away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Farms come in different sizes from small family farms to large commercial farms.

On a farm you will often find fields filled with rows of crops such as wheat corn or vegetables. These crops are essential for feeding both humans and animals. Farmers work hard to cultivate the land plowing the soil planting the seeds watering the crops and protecting them from pests and diseases. They have to monitor the weather conditions closely to ensure the best possible growth of their crops.

In addition to crops farms are also home to various types of animals. Cows sheep pigs and chickens are commonly found on farms. These animals provide milk eggs meat and other products for human consumption. Farmers take care of the animals by providing them with proper food shelter and medical attention when needed. They also make sure that the animals have enough space to roam around freely.

Life on a farm can be challenging but rewarding. Farmers wake up early in the morning to tend to their crops and animals. They work long hours under the sun and endure all kinds of weather conditions. However they take pride in their work knowing that they are contributing to the production of food and helping to feed countless people.







The farm can be an enterprise, owned and operated by an individual, a & nbsp; family & nbsp; Community & nbsp; and & nbsp; a & nbsp; Union, & nbsp; company ownership and & nbsp; management, and & nbsp; Farm & nbsp size can be & nbsp; acres & nbsp; equal, & nbsp; spin & nbsp; America, with tens of thousands of & nbsp; farms & nbsp; hundreds of thousands & nbsp; during this period The scale of the people's commune is & nbsp; large & nbsp; state-owned farms & nbsp; and several villages and towns & nbsp; large & nbsp; farms & nbsp; Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, Heilongjiang production and Construction Corps, Heilongjiang rection area, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi Give, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi.


农场&nbsp可以作为一个企业,&nbsp由个人,&nbsp家族&nbsporcommunity&nbsp拥有和经营,&nbspunion,&nbsp公司所有权和&nbsp管理,&nbspfarm&nbspsize可以是&nbspacres&nbspunequal,&nbspin&nbspAmerica,&nbspa农场的规模可以达到数万个&nbsp农场&nbsp数十万个 nbsp在这段时期内,nbsp&nbsp&nbsp公社的规模为&nbsp大型&nbsp国有农场&nbsp&nbsp的规模为几个村镇&nbsp大&nbsp农场&nbsp新疆生产建设兵团、黑龙江生产建设兵团、黑龙江垦区、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、。


There is a natural farm in our village. It is very beautiful. The farm produces natural vegetables.

There are many kinds of vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and other natural vegetables, the price is higher than anywhere else. Do you know why we don't use pesticides and fertilizers to kill insects, and our farm is far away from the industrial park, so our farm vegetables are not polluted. Are you interested in our farm.



