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前言: 关于”批改评语“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Correction Comments。以下是关于批改评语的八年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”批改评语“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Correction Comments。以下是关于批改评语的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Correction Comments

English Composition Grading Comments – An Extensive Guide

英语作文批改评语大全 – 详尽指南

Writing a well-structured and coherent English composition is a crucial skill for academic and professional success. To help you understand how to improve your writing I have carefully compiled a comprehensive list of grading comments for English compositions. These comments aim to provide constructive feedback and guidance so that you can enhance your writing abilities. Remember practice makes perfect


1. Introduction (引言)

a. Your introduction grabs the reader's attention effectively. Well done

- 你的引言成功地吸引了读者的注意力干得好

b. Your introduction lacks a clear thesis statement. Please state your main argument clearly.

- 你的引言缺乏明确的论点陈述请明确陈述你的主要观点

2. Organization (组织结构)

a. Your composition follows a logical structure it easy to follow your ideas.

- 你的作文按照逻辑结构展开使读者容易理解你的观点

b. Your composition lacks a clear organizational structure. Consider using paragraphs to improve readability.

- 你的作文缺乏明确的组织结构考虑使用段落来提高可读性

3. Grammar and Sentence Structure (语法和句子结构)

a. Your sentences are grammatically correct and demonstrate a good command of English.

- 你的句子在语法上正确展示出了很好的英语掌握能力

b. Your sentences contain several grammatical errors. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement and verb tense consistency.

- 你的句子中有几处语法错误注意主谓一致和动词时态的一致性

4. Vocabulary and Word Choice (词汇和用词)

a. Your use of vocabulary is impressive it adds depth to your writing.

- 你的词汇运用令人印象深刻为你的写作增添了深度

b. You should vary your word choice to avoid repetition. Consider using synonyms to add variety to your composition.

- 你应该在用词上做到多样化避免重复考虑使用同义词以增添作文的多样性

5. Coherence and Cohesion (连贯性和凝聚力)

a. Your arguments flow smoothly and there is a clear connection between each paragraph.

- 你的论点连贯流畅每个段落之间有明确的联系

b. Your ideas lack coherence and are not well-connected. Make sure to use transitional words and phrases to improve the flow of your composition.

- 你的观点缺乏连贯性没有很好地相互衔接确保使用过渡词和短语来提高作文的连贯性

6. Conclusion (结论)

a. Your conclusion effectively summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

- 你的结论有效地总结了你的主要观点并给读者留下了深刻的印象

b. Your conclusion seems abrupt and does not effectively wrap up your arguments. Consider rephrasing it to provide a stronger ending to your composition.

- 你的结论似乎突然结束没有有效地总结你的论点考虑重新表达以给你的作文提供一个更有力的结尾

Remember these comments are meant to guide and encourage you. Keep practicing and seeking improvement and your English composition skills will undoubtedly flourish. Best of luck



Title English Composition Correction Comments 英语作文批改评语

Introduction 简介

In the process of learning English students often submit their written assignments for correction and feedback. This article aims to provide constructive comments for an outstanding student's English composition. The comments will be given in both Chinese and English to help the student better understand and improve their writing skills.

Comment 1 评语一



Your English writing level is very high and your essay is well-developed with clear viewpoints. However you need to pay attention to grammar mistakes such as subject-verb agreement and tense usage. Please make sure to carefully check your essay to avoid such errors.

Comment 2 评语二



Your essay structure is very clear and the transitions between paragraphs are smooth. However in certain places you have used some uncommon vocabulary or sentence structures. I recommend using more common words and sentence constructions to ensure that readers can easily understand your viewpoints.

Comment 3 评语三



You have utilized a wide range of conjunctions and transitional words your essay coherent and logical. Additionally your word choice is accurate and expressive. Keep up with this writing style and try to incorporate more examples and details in your essay to support your viewpoints.

Comment 4 评语四



Your English writing is very smooth and reads naturally however in some places your sentences are too long or overly complex it difficult for readers to comprehend. I recommend breaking down these sentences into shorter fragments or using simpler expressions.

Conclusion 结论



With the guidance and feedback provided in these comments you can further improve your English writing skills. Keep up the hard work read and write more and believe that you will become an outstanding English writer.

Note This sample composition correction comments are for reference only. The specific comments may vary depending on the student's actual writing and areas of improvement needed. 注意这个示范的作文批改评语仅供参考具体批评评论将根据学生的实际写作和需要改进的方面而有所不同

