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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 23:34:45 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”生就业难“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:difficult employment。以下是关于生就业难的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”生就业难“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:difficult employment。以下是关于生就业难的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:difficult employment

The Difficulty of College Graduates' Employment

Nowadays the issue of college graduates' employment has drawn widespread attention. It is widely believed that college graduates are facing increasing difficulty in finding a job.

There are several reasons explaining this phenomenon. Firstly the number of college graduates is growing rapidly creating fierce competition in the job market. With the continuous expansion of higher education more and more students are entering universities but the market demand for high-level talents remains limited. As a result the supply and demand imbalance leads to a high unemployment rate among college graduates.

Secondly the lack of practical skills is another reason for the difficulty in employment. Many college graduates focus too much on theoretical knowledge neglecting the development of practical abilities. Most employers would prefer candidates who possess both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Therefore those who lack hands-on experience may be at a disadvantage when seeking employment.

Thirdly the unreasonable employment standards set by employers also contribute to the difficulty of college graduates' employment. Some employers hold excessively high requirements for work experience and professional skills which makes it harder for fresh graduates to meet their expectations. This limits the opportunities for college graduates to enter the job market.

In order to solve this problem both the government and the education system should take action. The government should enhance its guidance and support for college students' employment providing more career counseling services and encouraging entrepreneurship. Meanwhile universities should adjust their curriculum to include more practical courses such as internships and cooperative education programs which can help students gain real-world experience.

In conclusion the difficulty of college graduates' employment is a complex issue that requires comprehensive efforts from the government education system and graduates themselves. By addressing the root causes and implementing effective measures we can create a more favorable environment for college graduates to find employment.









College Graduates Facing Job Difficulties


In recent years the issue of college graduates facing job difficulties has become increasingly prominent. With the rapid expansion of higher education in China an unprecedented number of students have entered the job market leading to fierce competition for limited job opportunities. This has resulted in the well-known phenomenon of college graduates struggling to find suitable employment.


There are several reasons contributing to this problem. Firstly the imbalance between the number of college graduates and the market demand is a primary factor. The rapid expansion of higher education has led to an oversupply of graduates it difficult for everyone to secure a good job. Secondly the lack of practical skills and work experience among college graduates is another issue. Many employers emphasize the importance of practical abilities and experience which some fresh graduates may lack due to the academic-oriented education system. Thirdly the unreasonable expectations of graduates also contribute to their job difficulties. Some graduates hold unrealistically high expectations for their first job in terms of salary and position it harder for them to find suitable employment.


To address this issue both the government and universities should take actions. The government should make efforts to create more job opportunities by supporting the development of industries and encouraging entrepreneurship. Additionally the education system should be reformed to focus more on practical skills and work experience preparing students for the job market. Universities can also establish closer ties with enterprises and provide more opportunities for internships and practical training allowing students to develop the necessary skills and gain valuable work experience.


In conclusion the difficulties faced by college graduates in finding employment are a complex issue with various contributing factors. It requires joint efforts from the government universities and graduates themselves to address this problem effectively. With the right strategies in place we can create a more favorable employment environment for college graduates.



The economic law is that when the supply exceeds the demand, the price will fall. Since the central government implemented the large-scale enrollment expansion, the situation of university graduates seems to be the same. In the next few years, the total number of college graduates is increasing, but the economic prosperity can not provide enough employment opportunities for these graduates.

Therefore, many people think that the ability of college graduates is not as good as that of college graduates Before, because many of them have difficulties in finding jobs, but I don't agree with this conclusion first of all, it is true that some college graduates are incompetent. However, due to the large university enrollment plan, these students can not represent all the students. More and more senior high school students will inevitably have to accept higher education.

Otherwise, the standards will be lowered. Universities can't recruit so many applicants, and those smart high school students are more likely to achieve excellent results and other poor students During the period of planned economy in China, those graduates with poor grades can not show the value of higher education to the society, thus gradually forming the image of incompetence of college graduates. In terms of policy, college graduates don't have to worry about their jobs, because the iron bowl is waiting for them after graduation, but after the reform of higher education, hundreds of thousands of graduates will graduate In addition, employment is always affected by the global and national economy.

When the economy slows down, the business sector will not recruit more employees as before. For example, many university graduates, whether famous universities or well-known universities, will not recruit more employees In a sense, it's not because college graduates are incompetent, but because their social background is not conducive to them.


经济规律是,当供给大于需求时,价格就会下降,从中央实施大扩招以来,大学毕业生的情况似乎也是如此,在接下来的几年里,大学毕业生的总人数在增加,但经济的繁荣并不能为这些毕业生提供足够的就业机会,因此,很多人认为大学毕业生的能力不如以前,因为他们中的许多人在找工作上有困难,但我不同意这个结论 首先,诚然,有一些大学毕业生不称职,但由于大的大学招生计划,这些学生不能代表所有的学生,越来越多的高中生不可避免地要接受高等教育,否则标准就降低了,大学不能招收这么多的申请者,而那些聪明的高中生更有可能取得优异的成绩,其他不好的学生也会因此而在大学学习上遇到困难,在我国实行计划经济时期,那些成绩不好的毕业生无法向社会展示高等教育的价值,从而逐渐形成了大学毕业生的无能形象政策上,大学毕业生不必担心自己的工作,因为毕业后铁碗等着他们,但高等教育改革后,当数十万毕业生竞争有限的职位空缺时,大学毕业生必须自己找工作,不可避免地会有很多人找不到理想的工作 此外,就业总是受到全球和国家经济的影响,当经济放缓时,企业界就不会像以前那样招收更多的员工,例如,许多大学毕业生,无论是名牌大学还是知名大学,从这个意义上说,找工作有困难,不是大学毕业生不称职,而是社会背景不利于大学毕业生。

