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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 00:00:33 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”鲨鱼“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Sharks。以下是关于鲨鱼的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。



Protecting Sharks

Sharks are incredible creatures that have been around for over 400 million years. They play a vital role in the balance of marine ecosystems as top predators. However sharks are facing numerous threats due to human activities and their populations are declining rapidly. It is crucial to take action to protect these magnificent creatures and ensure their survival for future generations.

One of the biggest threats to sharks is overfishing. Many species of sharks are targeted for their fins which are considered a delicacy in some cultures. Shark finning the practice of removing the fins and discarding the rest of the shark is particularly cruel and wasteful. It is estimated that tens of millions of sharks are killed each year solely for their fins. To address this issue governments and international organizations need to implement and enforce strict regulations on shark fishing including bans on shark finning.

Pollution is another major threat to sharks. Chemicals plastics and other pollutants entering the oceans not only impact sharks directly but also affect their prey and habitats. To combat this problem individuals can reduce their use of single-use plastics and responsibly dispose of waste. Additionally industries should be held accountable for their pollution and encouraged to adopt sustainable practices.

Education and awareness play a crucial role in shark conservation. Many people still have misconceptions and fear towards sharks often fueled by media portrayals. It is important to educate the public about the importance of sharks in marine ecosystems and the need to protect them. By promoting responsible tourism where sharks are observed in their natural habitats without harming or disturbing them we can increase understanding and appreciation for these magnificent creatures.

In conclusion protecting sharks is essential for the health of our oceans and the overall balance of marine ecosystems. s organizations industries and individuals all have a role to play in conserving these fascinating creatures. By implementing stricter regulations reducing pollution and promoting education and awareness we can ensure a future where sharks continue to thrive in their natural habitats.








Any of numerous major marine carnivorous fishes of the class chondrichthys (elasmobranchia, sometimes large and voracious, streamlined, torpedo shaped, with 5 to 7 gill holes on each side of the head, a large oily liver, a cartilaginous skeleton, and hard skin covered with small toothed scales.




Saving Sharks

Sharks are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ocean ecosystem. However they are facing a significant threat due to overfishing and the demand for their fins which are used in shark fin soup. It is essential to take action to save sharks from extinction.

Firstly education and awareness are key. It is vital to educate people about the importance of sharks in the ocean food chain and their overall significance to the marine ecosystem. This can be done through school programs community workshops and informative campaigns. By raising awareness we can change people's perception of sharks and shift the focus from fear to conservation.

Secondly governments and international organizations should implement stricter regulations and penalties for illegal shark fishing and finning. This will discourage fishermen from engaging in these activities and reduce the market demand for shark fins. It is crucial to enforce sustainable fishing practices and protect sharks in their natural habitats.

Furthermore supporting shark conservation initiatives and organizations is crucial. These organizations work towards researching and conserving shark populations as well as advocating for their protection. By donating to these organizations or actively partiting in their activities we can contribute to their efforts in saving sharks.

Lastly implementing eco-tourism activities centered around shark conservation can create economic incentives for local communities to protect these magnificent creatures. By promoting responsible and sustainable shark tourism we can demonstrate the economic value of preserving shark populations and their habitats.

In conclusion it is our responsibility to save sharks from the brink of extinction. Through education stricter regulations supporting conservation organizations and implementing sustainable eco-tourism we can ensure a brighter future for sharks and the ocean ecosystem as a whole.








