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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 01:23:26 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”如何保护中国传统文化“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to Protect Traditional Chinese Culture。以下是关于如何保护中国传统文化的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”如何保护中国传统文化“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to Protect Traditional Chinese Culture。以下是关于如何保护中国传统文化的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to Protect Traditional Chinese Culture

How to Protect Chinese Traditional Culture

China has a long and rich history and the preservation of its traditional culture is essential. As a responsible student I believe that there are several ways to protect Chinese traditional culture.

Firstly we should learn about our traditional culture and its values. This includes studying the literature art and history of China. By understanding our culture and its significance we can appreciate and respect it more. Moreover we should pass on our knowledge to others especially to the younger generations. We can share our culture through storytelling cultural events and festivals.

Secondly we should actively partite in preserving cultural heritage sites. These sites tell the stories of our ancestors and showcase their achievements. It is essential to maintain these sites and protect them from damage. We can partite in volunteer work to clean up and preserve these places or donate money to organizations that focus on protecting cultural heritage sites.

Thirdly we should support cultural institutions and organizations that aim to promote Chinese culture. This includes museums theaters and cultural centers. We can attend exhibitions performances and activities hosted by these organizations. Furthermore we should encourage our friends and family to do the same.

In conclusion protecting Chinese traditional culture is everyone's responsibility. By learning sharing preserving and supporting our culture we can ensure that it will continue to thrive and be appreciated by future generations.








No one can say exactly when the Great Wall began to be built, but it is generally believed that it originated from a military fortification in the early Zhou Dynasty. In the late spring and Autumn Period BC, the vassal states expanded their defense projects and built "great" buildings. It was not until the Qin Dynasty that the separation walls built by Qin, Yan and Zhao were prevented.

Qin Shihuang (called Qin Shihuang or AD) in the West could not be stopped The first emperor after unification established a defense system in Northern Xinjiang. He ordered the construction of the city wall, which took about ten years to complete. The wall extended from Linzhao in the West (now the eastern part of Gansu Province) to Liaodong (now Jilin Province) in the East.

The wall not only played a defensive role in the north, but also symbolized the power of the emperor.



