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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 01:26:28 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”上网的利与弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet。以下是关于上网的利与弊的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”上网的利与弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet。以下是关于上网的利与弊的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

With the development of technology the Internet has become one of the most important parts of our daily lives. It provides us with a lot of conveniences and benefits but it also has some drawbacks.

The advantages of the Internet are numerous. First of all it is a great source of information. We can get access to a huge amount of information about any topic we are interested in. Secondly the Internet has made communication much easier and faster. We can send emails make video calls and chat with people around the world. Thirdly the Internet is a great tool for businesses. Companies can advertise their products and services online and reach out to more customers. Finally the Internet provides a lot of entertainment options such as games movies and music.

However the Internet also has some disadvantages. Firstly it can be a source of addiction. People may spend too much time online neglecting their responsibilities and relationships. Secondly the Internet can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and online harassment. Thirdly there is a lot of false information on the Internet which can mislead people. Finally the Internet has made people more isolated and less sociable. Many people spend their time online instead of engaging in real-life social interactions.

In conclusion the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. It has become an integral part of our lives but we need to use it responsibly and be aware of its negative effects.


Surfing the Internet, reading newsgroups, or using e-mail, children may come into contact with extremely inappropriate ographic sites, often ensuring that they are the first to be listed in any search area. Therefore, it is easy for children to encounter such websites. A man from pearl, Mississippi, was arrested for downloading child ography from the Internet in, and he was charged with child ography Love crime.

Some critics say that parents are responsible for their children on the Internet, because there are ready-made child protection services to protect children's safety. Parents and teachers must be aware of this. They must actively guide and protect the dangers of their children's Internet access.

Parents should talk to their children about what happens and what may happen online Howard Rheingold said there are many tools to help children keep the Internet environment safe. Some companies, such as AOL, try to monitor everything they say and do on their online services, but because there are thousands of chat rooms available, it's impossible to monitor everything at all In other words, children want to explore things, but there are people on the Internet that are too persuasive, says Tricia primrose.


在网上冲浪,阅读新闻组,或使用电子邮件,儿童可能会接触到极不合适的网站往往会确保他们是第一个在任何搜索区域列出的网站,因此,儿童很容易遇到这样的网站,一个来自珍珠的人,密西西比州在年因从互联网下载儿童图片而被捕,他被控儿童罪。一些评论家说,父母对自己的孩子在互联网上负有责任,因为有现成的保护儿童的服务,以保护儿童的安全,家长和教师必须意识到这一点他们必须积极引导和保护孩子们上网的危险家长们应该和孩子们谈谈网上发生的事情和可能发生的事情,虚拟社区的作者霍华德·莱因戈尔德(Howard Rheingold)说,现在有很多工具可以帮助孩子们保持互联网环境的安全一些公司,比如美国在线,试着监控他们在线服务上说的和做的每件事,但是,因为有成千上万的聊天室可用,所以根本不可能把所有的事情都监控起来,美国在线的工作人员特里西亚·普里姆罗斯(Tricia Primrose)说,换句话说,孩子们想探索事物,然而,互联网上有人太有说服力了。

