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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 02:09:15 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”介绍老子的小“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introducing Lao Tzu's Little。以下是关于介绍老子的小的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”介绍老子的小“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introducing Lao Tzu's Little。以下是关于介绍老子的小的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introducing Lao Tzu's Little


Laozi was one of the founders of the Daoist School a philosopher in ancient China. His thoughts are considered as a gem in the history of Chinese philosophy. Laozi's philosophy covers many aspects including the Dao virtue environment and color which have had far-reaching effects on people's philosophical concepts moral norms and behavior patterns. In English compositions we can showcase the unique charm of Chinese philosophy and culture by introducing Laozi's thoughts.


Firstly Laozi's philosophy emphasizes pursuing nature and advocates "governing through inaction." He believed that nature is the highest existence and people should follow the law of nature instead of reckless behavior. In addition Laozi also values people's inner cultivation and moral improvement. He encourages people to adopt a indifferent attitude towards fame and wealth cherish solitude and quietness and emphasizes that spiritual realm and moral qualities are more important than material wealth and social status.


Secondly Laozi's philosophy has profound practical significance. He advocated "harmony is the most valuable" and "the gentlest force overcomes the strongest." He believed that harmony and balance are the greatest wealth of human beings. In addition Laozi emphasizes people's relationship and social responsibilities. He believed that only by treating others with kindness and morality can we establish harmonious social relations and achieve the common prosperity and happiness of the people.


In conclusion Laozi's philosophy is an important part of Chinese philosophy representing the wisdom and cultural essence of the Chinese people. By introducing Laozi's thoughts and values we can help foreigners better understand Chinese culture and promote cultural exchanges and understanding between China and foreign countries.



My Hometown


I come from a beautiful small city called Nanchang. Nanchang is a vibrant city with a long history and culture.


Nanchang has many beautiful natural landscapes such as Hongdu Ancient Town Tengwang Pavilion August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall and Qiushui Square. In addition Nanchang also has many famous tourist attractions and cultural heritage sites such as Jingdezhen ceramics and Lushan Mountain.


Nanchang's cultural history is also very rich. Nanchang is the birthplace of the Chinese Revolution and has many revolutionary historical sites such as the August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall August 1st Square and Hunan Road Revolution Memorial Hall.


I love my hometown Nanchang very much and I hope more people can understand and appreciate its beauty and history.

