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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 02:38:26 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”用be动词写“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:write with be verb。以下是关于用be动词写的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”用be动词写“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:write with be verb。以下是关于用be动词写的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:write with be verb

常用动词 Commonly Used Verbs


1. Achieve(实现、获得)She achieved her ultimate goal of becoming a doctor.(她实现了成为一名医生的终极目标)

2. Analyze(分析)The article yzed the causes of climate change.(这篇文章分析了气候变化的原因)

3. Argue(争论)He argued for stricter gun control laws.(他主张更严格的控制法)

4. Assess(评估)The teacher sed the students' understanding of the topic through a test.(老师通过一项测试评估学生对该主题的理解)

5. Compare(比较)This essay compares the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.(这篇文章比较了出国留学的优缺点)

6. Contrast(对比)The two characters in the novel are contrasting in terms of their personalities.(这部小说中的两个角色在个性上存在对比)

7. Describe(描述)He described the beauty of the sunset in vivid detail.(他生动地描述了夕阳的美丽)

8. Discuss(讨论)The students gathered in groups to discuss the impact of social media on society.(学生们聚集在小组中讨论社交媒体对社会的影响)

9. Evaluate(评估)The report evaluated the effectiveness of the new educational policy.(这份报告评估了新的教育政策的有效性)

10. Examine(检查)The researcher examined the data thoroughly before drawing conclusions.(研究人员在得出结论之前彻底检查了数据)

11. Explain(解释)The teacher explained the concept using simple examples.(老师用简单的例子解释了这个概念)

12. Ilrate(阐明)The graph ilrates the relationship between income and happiness.(这个图表阐明了收入与幸福之间的关系)

13. Introduce(介绍)In the opening paragraph the author introduces the main characters of the story.(在开篇段落中作者介绍了故事的主要人物)

14. Persuade(说服)The speaker used strong arguments to persuade the audience to support his cause.(演讲者用有力的论点劝说听众支持他的事业)

15. Recommend(推荐)She recommended the book to her friends stating it was a captivating read.(她向朋友推荐这本书称它非常吸引人)

16. Reflect(反思)The reflective essay allowed the author to contemplate his personal growth.(这篇反思性的文章让作者思考了自己的个人成长)

17. Support(支持)The evidence presented supports the researcher's hypothesis.(提出的证据支持了研究者的假设)

18. Suggest(建议)The article suggests several ways to reduce carbon emissions.(这篇文章提出了一些减少碳排放的方法)

19. Summarize(总结)The conclusion summarizes the main points discussed in the essay.(结论总结了文章中讨论的主要观点)

20. Write(写作)The student was assigned to write an essay on the importance of recycling.(学生被指定写一篇关于回收的重要性的文章)


万能作文模板2:用 be 动词写

Climbing to the top of the mountain I was overwhelmed by a sense of accomplishment.


Running along the beach we felt the cool breeze on our faces.


Reading books in the library knowledge and wisdom are obtained.


Driving on the highway I noticed the beautiful scenery passing by.


Sitting in the park birds chirping brought a sense of tranquility.


Hiking through the forest we encountered various wildlife.


Playing the piano melodies and emotions are expressed.


Dancing in the rain pure joy fills the air.


Cooking a delicious meal flavors and aromas fill the kitchen.


Helping others in need a sense of fulfillment is achieved.


Watching the sunset a sense of awe for nature arises.


