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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 02:53:11 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”保护大象的倡议书“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:An initiative to protect elephants。以下是关于保护大象的倡议书的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”保护大象的倡议书“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:An initiative to protect elephants。以下是关于保护大象的倡议书的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An initiative to protect elephants

Protect Animals Initiative


Animals are an important part of our world. They contribute to the balance of ecosystems serve as companions to humans and provide us with food and resources. However many animals are facing numerous threats and are on the brink of extinction. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve these amazing creatures for the benefit of future generations.


First and foremost we must raise awareness about the importance of protecting animals. Education plays a vital role in promoting a sense of responsibility and empathy towards all living beings. Schools and community organizations should incorporate wildlife conservation into their curriculum and promote activities that allow students to experience and appreciate nature.


Secondly we need to address the issue of habitat destruction. Deforestation and ization are major contributors to the loss of animal habitats. We should promote sustainable practices such as reforestation and planning that prioritize the preservation of wildlife habitats. It is essential to create protected areas and national parks where animals can thrive without human interference.


Moreover we must combat poaching and illegal wildlife trade. This illegal activity is responsible for the decline in populations of many endangered species. Strengthening law enforcement imposing stricter penalties and raising awareness about the consequences of these actions are crucial steps in putting an end to this illegal trade.


Lastly we should promote responsible tourism. Many popular tourist destinations exploit animals for entertainment purposes causing them great distress and harm. We should support ethical tourism practices that prioritize the well-being and conservation of animals. By choosing responsible tourism options we can contribute to the protection of animals and their natural habitats.


In conclusion protecting animals is not only a moral duty but also essential for the sustainability of our planet. By raising awareness addressing habitat destruction combating illegal wildlife trade and promoting responsible tourism we can ensure that animals continue to enrich our world for generations to come.



Initiative to Protect Pandas

Pandas the adorable and charismatic icons of China are facing an alarming threat of extinction. It is our duty to take immediate action to protect these magnificent creatures and preserve their natural habitats.

First and foremost we must raise awareness about the importance of panda conservation. We can organize educational campaigns in schools and communities to inform people about the critical state of pandas and the consequences of their extinction. By spreading knowledge about the significance of pandas in maintaining ecological balance we can inspire people to actively partite in their protection.

Furthermore we need to enforce strict laws and regulations to deter illegal activities such as poaching and habitat destruction. The government should collaborate with local authorities to implement comprehensive anti-poaching measures and increase penalties for offenders. Additionally the establishment of protected areas or national parks should be encouraged to safeguard the pandas' habitats.

Moreover it is crucial to strengthen international cooperation in panda conservation. Collaborating with other countries especially those with pandas in their zoos or those partiting in breeding programs can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise. By working together we can improve conservation techniques and ensure a sustainable future for pandas worldwide.

In conclusion pandas are a national treasure that deserves our utmost attention and protection. Through raising awareness implementing strict laws and fostering international cooperation we can secure a brighter future for these endangered species. Let us take action now and be the guardians of the pandas








Panda is one of the rarest animals in the world. People like it very much. A long time ago, there were many giant pandas in China.

As the natural balance was destroyed, the weather became warmer and warmer, and there were fewer and fewer pandas. But now, the number of giant pandas is increasing year by year. Now many giant pandas are sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Now, China's largest panda nature park is in Sichuan. There is a center for nature and wildlife research, and scientists hope that one day they will have enough giant pandas to be free to live in the wild again.




