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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 05:49:27 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”有关friendship“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:About friendship。以下是关于有关friendship的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”有关friendship“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:About friendship。以下是关于有关friendship的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”有关friendship“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:About friendship。以下是关于有关friendship的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About friendship

In a broad sense, friendship exists among all people. Friendship makes our life possible, more relaxed, meaningful and beautiful. When we are in difficulties, we want others to help us.

When we are sad, we need other people to comfort and encourage us. The most important thing about friendship is that it should be consistent. We should be friendly to our friends, even if they are poor and have bad luck.

A friend in need is a friend. True friendship should stand the test of time and hardship.





Everyone needs a person, a person called a "friend." a friend who shares weal and woe is a true friend. "If only this kind of friend can be called a" friend ", then for me, there are few standards for friendship. We have millions of famous sayings to support my" friendship is just giving ", but most of the time, we are happy to get from others I don't mean friendship is built on the basis of giving, but it needs emotional communication, such as "I can only give you friendship".

It sets a good example of friendship. Maybe we care too much about other people's shortcomings, we miss many friends. A good friend has too many aspects, so take it easy and let the rest of the time to do each one People need some people.

If some people don't regard friends as friends, then such friends can be called friends, because there are only five freight standards for friends. We have millions of quotations to support my friendship. Apart from giving to others, nothing is given, just to let them get friends, not to say that friendship is based on material basis Give but do not need to exchange, just like friendship, every friend of it has its shortcomings, that is, we miss a lot of friends, because there are many aspects for friendship.

So here, everyone needs a person, a person called "friend", a friend in need is a person in need of help. A friend really "if only such a friend can be called a friend", then for me, the standard of friendship is very few. We have millions of famous sayings to support my saying, "friendship is just giving ”But most of the time, we are happy to get something from others, rather than give it to others.

I don't mean that friendship is based on giving, but it needs emotional communication, just like "I can't give you anything except friendship". It sets a good example of friendship. Maybe we care too much about other people's shortcomings, and we miss a lot of friends After all, a good friend has too many aspects, so take it easy and let the rest of the time.




Dear friend: in your last letter, you asked me what friendship is. I want to tell you something about friendship. Friendship is a very difficult word to understand, because there are only real friendship.

You can't distinguish between good friends and friends. Sometimes fake friends pretend to be your good friends and let you get into trouble. When real friends can teach you a lot, even if the difficulties are difficult to solve, they will To help you, it's an important lesson to separate bad friends from good ones.

When you are sad and anxious, friends should help each other. Your good friends should help you to get rid of your sadness or calm you down. This is my point.

Understanding friendship, I hope everything goes well.



