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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 08:35:07 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”手机广告“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Mobile advertising。以下是关于手机广告的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”手机广告“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Mobile advertising。以下是关于手机广告的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”手机广告“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Mobile advertising。以下是关于手机广告的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mobile advertising

Only clear channel's audience is digital and terrestrial, so the deal looks expensive, but the big machine only provides a small portion of clear channel's music, and paying a portion of advertising revenue is less than paying for each song. The idea is to see how this affects the company's bottom line before negotiating with other record companies. The deal may also reflect the impact on clear Due to Fitch's $100 million debt maturity, Fitch has to pay off part of its debt before it matures Whether channel can make money from digital broadcasting, it already has iheartra, an Internet network that relies on advertising rather than subscription.

It has provided customizable play lists since September, such as Pandora, which provides m songs. Compared with Pandora, its audience is only one tenth of its compes. The main source of growth is Smartphone buyers, who occupy Pandora However, Pandora also relies heavily on advertising (only subscription and mobile phone are the difficulties in advertising sales "ihearradio"; "ihearradio"; "iheartrio" is second only to television and terrestrial broadcasting.

It will not face too many threats from digital, especially considering the royalty burden of digital providers Radio puts a great burden on the audience because it is still free and convenient, especially for the passengers sitting in the car. Although automobile manufacturers are starting to integrate digital broadcasting platforms, streaming audio may devour most of the mobile data plans, and it is not expected to take away many audiences soon, clear channel transaction is just right for artists.


只有Clear Channel的听众是数字和地面的,因此,这笔交易看起来成本很高,但大机器只提供了Clear Channel的一小部分音乐,而且支付广告收入的一部分比支付每首歌的损失要小。这个想法是,在与其他唱片公司谈判之前,先看看这对公司的底线有何影响 这笔交易也可能反映出对Clear Channel部分的焦虑,即杠杆收购在广告市场崩溃之前,它有足够的现金来维持几年的繁荣,但由于有亿美元的债务到期,该公司可能需要延长到期日,“没有办法偿还,”惠誉评级机构“他们需要增长”;“FitchMelissa Link”;“所有人都在关注”看看Clear Channel是否能从数字广播中赚钱,它已经有了iHeartRadio,一个依靠广告而非订阅的互联网网络,从xx月份开始提供可定制的播放列表,比如Pandora,它提供m首歌曲,与Pandora相比,它的听众仅为竞争对手的十分之一,增长的主要来源是智能手机购买者,他们占据了Pandora的流媒体业务,但Pandora也严重依赖广告(只有订阅和手机才是广告销售的难点 “iHeartRadio”;“iHeartRadio”;“iHeartRadio”仅次于电视、地面广播它不会面临太多来自数字的威胁,特别是考虑到数字提供商的版税负担,Airway radio给听众带来了很大的负担,因为它仍然是免费和方便的,特别是对于坐在车上的乘客来说,尽管汽车制造商正开始整合数字广播平台,流媒体音频可能会吞噬大部分移动数据计划,预计不会很快抢走许多听众,但对艺术家而言,Clear Channel的交易恰到好处。


The advantages and disadvantages of advertising are everywhere in our modern society. It seems that no matter where we go, these small advertits will attract our attention: supermarkets, subways, station signs, walls of public buildings, garbage cans, and any advertit, from selling mobile phones to renting houses, from treating difficult diseases to producing fake diplomats, from household goods to machines, from toys to airplanes, it is no exaggeration to say that we live in the world of advertising. The advantages of advertising are self-evident.

They provide us with a good commodity and service, from which we can make the best choice for manufacturers. They can use advertising to highlight the characteristics of their products, so as to attract consumers' attention and make huge profits for them. However, we can not underestimate the disadvantages of advertising: ① many advertits do damage our daily life and waste our time.

They interrupt our TV programs, fill our mailbox, and destroy our appreciation of nature. On the other hand, some advertits are illegal, spread false information and intend to treat people who are eager to solve problems We have taken urgent and effective measures to curb this phenomenon. First of all, we need to strengthen the supervision of the advertising market.

The key is to strictly regulate the advertising market and prevent anyone from taking advantage of market management. Second, wver treats consumers through advertising will be punished or imprisoned. Third, only by implementing these measures, can we educate people to abide by the law and keep faith Our society has been purified into a paradise for our survival.





Advertit is ubiquitous in our modern society. It seems that no matter where we go, these small advertits will attract our attention: supermarkets, subways, stop signals, walls of public buildings, garbage cans, and any advertit, from selling mobile phones to renting houses, from treating difficult diseases to producing fake diplomats, from household goods to machines, from toys to airplanes. It is no exaggeration to say that we live in the world of advertising.

The advantages of advertising are self-evident, they provide us with a good commodity and service, we can make the best choice for manufacturers, they can use advertising to highlight the characteristics of their products, so as to seize the attention of consumers and bring them huge profits. However, we can't underestimate the shortcomings of advertits. ① many advertits do damage our daily life and waste our time.

They interrupt our TV programs, fill our mailbox, and destroy our appreciation. Naturally, instead of interests, people often feel that advertits are overburdened rather than satisfying them. ② on the other hand, some advertits are illegal, Spread false information and intend to treat people who are eager to solve problems.

We have taken urgent and effective measures to curb this phenomenon. First of all, to strengthen the supervision of the advertising market, the key is to strictly regulate the advertising market and prevent anyone from taking advantage of market management; second, those who entertain consumers with advertits are subject to punishment or imprisonment; third, only by implementing these measures, we can educate people to abide by the law and keep faith, and purify our society The paradise we live in.



