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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 08:40:54 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”人和动物的故事“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The story of man and animal。以下是关于人和动物的故事的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”人和动物的故事“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The story of man and animal。以下是关于人和动物的故事的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”人和动物的故事“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The story of man and animal。以下是关于人和动物的故事的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The story of man and animal

A: A little boy named ancient tomb: sparrow C: Tortoise B Hello Tom a: Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time what are you doing BC: busy a: Oh, I can't think of what makes you so busy BC: looking for food to satisfy my hunger C: I'm looking for a new home a: I don't understand, I'm looking for your answer. B: let me tell you, the environment is so bad that we are all in danger and I can't find it The natural food that suits me, I have to steal some food from huamn. It's not delicious, tortoise.

His house is full of bad smell and garbage. Old guy, his friends are missing. Some people are locked up in the zoo.

Some of them were once aristocratic. A: Oh, my God, what a terrible fact. We shouldn't be so selfish and irresponsible.

BC: Yeah A: Yes, you're right. We're like greedy people, and we can't even hold on to it. But believe me, people are creatures.

They have the wisdom and courage to change the world. Maybe they make some mistakes, but smart people also Yes, one day they will find a more reasonable way to take care of their brothers, animals, plants and everything else, because they can't leave them to live on earth: of course, but we all hope that this day will come as soon as possible. We must do so and have a better tomorrow.


A: 一个叫古墓的小男孩:麻雀C:乌龟B你好汤姆A:你好,我好久没见你了你在干什么BC:忙A:哦我想不出是什么让你这么忙BC:找B:我在找食物来满足我的饥饿C:我在找新家A:我不明白,我也在找,找到你的答案B:让我告诉你,环境如此恶劣,我们都处于危险之中,我找不到适合我的天然食物,我不得不从huamn那里偷些食物这太不好吃了,乌龟,他的房子里到处都是难闻的气味和垃圾老家伙,他的朋友们失踪了,有些人关在动物园里,有的曾经是贵族的美丽外衣A:哦,天哪,多糟糕的事实,我们不应该这么自私和不负责任的BC:恩,是的C:也许有一天你会改变B:自然,你可能会忽视它自然和生态平衡是一个关键点,就像我们不能摆脱风一样A:是的,你说得对,我们就像一个贪婪的人,甚至不能坚持,但是相信我,人是一种生物,他们有智慧和勇气去改变世界,也许他们犯了一些错误,但聪明人也有,总有一天他们会找到一种更合理的方法,他们会照顾他们的兄弟,动物、植物和其他一切,因为它们不能离开它们而生活在地球上:当然,但我们都希望这一天能尽快到来我们必须这么做有一个更好的明天。


The story takes place in a small town at the foot of the Alps during the Second World War. Sebastian hull was domesticated at the border of France and Spain. The land was covered with snow, and everything was so peaceful and peaceful.

Before the arrival of Nazi soldiers, there was a little white dog named Shirley and Sebastian, who was born on the same day. These two new-born boys were born on the same day Under the guidance of the invisible Fate, babies have no blood relationship with each other. After a few years, they are closely linked and become a good partner to know each other and help each other.

This is an adventure of eternal friendship and a smart and inspiring children's story. This is the strange journey of a little boy looking for his mother, an old man pursuing the past, a resistance fighter seeking love, a young woman seeking adventure, and a German officer seeking forgiveness. This is Shirley and Sebastian.




Pipatel, the son of a zookeeper, has an encyclopedic understanding of animal behavior and a strong love of stories. When PI was 16, his family emigrated from India to North America. They took a Japanese freighter and took the animals from the zoo to their new home.

When the ship sank, pipatel found himself sitting alone in a lifeboat with hyenas, a gorilla, an injured zebra, and a heavy Bangladeshi tiger, Richard Parker. Soon the tiger drove everyone but Pi's fear, knowledge and cunning away. PI's fear, knowledge and cunning allowed him to live with Richard Parker for several days.

When they finally arrived on the Mexican coast, Richard Parker fled into the jungle, never to be interrogated by the Japanese authorities, refusing to believe his story and forcing him to tell them the "truth.". After hours of compulsion, PI tells a second story, a less fanciful, more traditional story, but is it more real.



