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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 10:07:53 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”谁教的好“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Who taught well。以下是关于谁教的好的七年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”谁教的好“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Who taught well。以下是关于谁教的好的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”谁教的好“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Who taught well。以下是关于谁教的好的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Who taught well

Four friends are arguing about whose dog is the smartest. The first engineer told his dog T square to show your things. The dog trotted to the table and drew a perfect with paper and pencil.

Next, an accountant called his dog's ruler to move forward. The dog went to the kitchen and chewed open a bag of biscuits and divided the contents into four parts. The next person, a pharmacist, indicated to his dog beaker that he could do it What dog goes into the fridge, takes out a quart of milk, accurately pours 80 ounces into a measuring cup, and the last person is a government worker's coffee break.

He yells at his dog to get it. The dog jumps up, dirties the paper, eats the biscuit, drinks the milk, and the note shows your trot V n accountant nibbles V beckon V oz n / holler What are the four friends arguing about? What did the first man's dog do? How many parts did the second man's dog divide the biscuit? How much milk did the third man pour the dog into the measuring cup? Can we find out whose dog is the smartest? ① They were arguing whose dog was the smartest. He drew a perfect .

4. 8 ounces. The fourth man's dog was the smartest.


四个朋友在争论谁的狗最聪明第一个工程师叫他的狗T广场展示你的东西狗小跑到桌子前拿出纸和铅笔画了一个完美的三角形下一个人一个会计叫到他的狗的计算尺前进,狗去厨房啃开了一袋饼干把里面的东西分成四等份下一个人一个药剂师向他的狗烧杯示意他能做什么狗走到冰箱里拿出一夸脱牛奶,准确地把80盎司倒进量杯里最后一个人是一个工作人员的咖啡休息时间,他大声叫着他的狗去拿,狗跳了起来弄脏了纸吃了饼干喝了牛奶便条显示你的东西小跑v三角形n会计n啃v beckon v盎司n/holler v土壤v练习①四个朋友在争论什么②第一个人的狗做了什么③第二个人的狗把饼干分成了多少个部分④第三个人的多少牛奶把狗倒进量杯⑤我们能找出谁的狗最聪明吗?①他们在争论谁的狗最聪明②他画了一个完美的三角形③4④8盎司⑤第四个人的狗最聪明。


Who is a fool? One teacher tried to take advantage of her psychology class and said, "all those who think you're stupid, stand up"; "Little Johnny, stand up"; "do you think you're stupid, Johnny"; "no, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there alone.".




When I was a child, I thought it was easy to get along with others, who I wanted to play with, who I liked, and who was good. When I grew up, I realized that the two lovers needed to click on each other and give wishful thinking, which would only make themselves scarred and could not get any results. Love is not what you want.


