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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 11:13:59 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”写一篇植物“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write a plant。以下是关于写一篇植物的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”写一篇植物“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write a plant。以下是关于写一篇植物的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”写一篇植物“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write a plant。以下是关于写一篇植物的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a plant

As I approached, I announced to my three grown-up children that I did not want to celebrate my birthday any more. They could call me instead of giving me presents. At first they objected, but in the end they agreed.

So when the doorbell rang on my birthday morning, I was surprised to see that the florist suddenly brought in a big and beautiful plant Running back to the truck without saying a word, turning around with a sad look and a puzzled glance at me, I read the card attached to the plant: "to your loving mother on your last birthday: approach the florist, protest, take a glance, with V exercise: TF When the mother decided that she didn't want to celebrate her birthday any more, she still wanted her children to give her presents. She was glad to see a big and beautiful plant from the florist. The florist felt very sad because she thought the woman was dying.

The florist had mistaken the meaning of the words on the card.


当我走近的时候,我向我的三个成年孩子宣布我不再想庆祝我的生日,他们可以给我打电话而不是送礼物,起初他们表示反对,但最后他们同意了我的愿望,所以当我生日那天早上门铃响的时候,我很惊讶地看到花店老板突然送来了一株又大又漂亮的植物,她一声不吭地跑回卡车上,带着悲伤的表情,转过身来,困惑地瞥了我一眼,我读了附在植物上的卡片:“在你最后一个生日的时候给你充满爱的妈妈:走近花店,,一瞥,随附v练习:TF① 当母亲决定不再想庆祝她的生日时,她仍然希望她的孩子们能给她送礼物很高兴看到花店送来一株又大又漂亮的植物。花店老板感到很难过,因为她以为那个女人快要死了⑤花店把卡片上的字的意思弄错了①F②F③F④T⑤T。


You, my dear, you, my dear, fearless, a hero of the land, you fight as a pioneer with a spear in your hand. I have never had my hair done since you started fighting eastward. Although I have prepared cosmetics, who should I prepare for? Although I pray for a rain for you, I am eager to make my heart pain, oh, pain where is the day lily picking some people say behind the tree for you, dear, I am ill let the herbal medicine cure my disease.


你,我亲爱的,你,我亲爱的,无所畏惧,一个土地上的英雄,你作为一个先驱者战斗,手拿长矛,自从你向东开战以来,我从来没有做过头发,虽然我已经准备好了化妆品,我该为谁准备呢?虽然我为你祈祷一场雨,但我渴望让我的心痛苦,哦,痛苦 哪里有黄花菜采摘 有人说在树后 为了你,亲爱的,我病了 让草药治好我的病。


Xiangyang is soft and fertile. It can be sown and propagated in barren soil. September to April is the most suitable time for sowing.

Don't choose to grow in September for transplanting. After the seeds germinate in the pot, the leaves will grow to cm in a week or so, and each foster plant will grow to cm at the time of picking. After grafting, multiple main stems should be planted to enhance its branching ability, and a single plant will form a full leaf after leaves, Every half a month, there is a rotten and thin human excrement, once a phosphate fertilizer and plant gray bud before and after pregnancy, cut flowers and bloom.


