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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 11:20:56 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”选择性的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of selectivity。以下是关于选择性的好处的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”选择性的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of selectivity。以下是关于选择性的好处的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”选择性的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of selectivity。以下是关于选择性的好处的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of selectivity

1、 Summary of selective reading or extensive reading: scores: some people think that they choose to read because some books are good for people and some books are harmful to people. Some people think that people should read widely, because extensive reading can help people acquire more knowledge, and people can use it to change the world. My view is that reading must be selective, because reading is very important to people.

Some books can help people, but some books can cause some people to commit crimes. It can be seen in newspapers and TV that we can make full use of some good books and gain more useful knowledge. It can make our life better.

We must give up those books that are not helpful. They are not good for us to read them It's a waste of time and money, so selective reading is an important part of reading the first paragraph. Score: how should we read? We should read selectively or extensively.

Everyone has his own point of view.




We always work late into the night before the exam Working / we always work late at night before exams we should read books that are useful to us we should read books that are useful to us this exam is over, but there is another exam waiting for you one exam is over, but another is waiting for you the driver of the red car died on the spot the driver of the red car died on the spot some people / some people think reading should be selective some people Think reading should be selective my sister goes to movies at least once a week my sister goes to movies at least once a week I walk on the road, there are not so many cars on the street I walk on the road, there are not so many vehicles … we have little time to read the books we are interested in we have little time to read the books we are interested in I am a student who has studied in University for two years I have I studied in University for two years my view is that reading must be selective in my opinion, reading must be selective honesty is very important for everyone the old man wa by a car when crossing the road the old man wa by a car when crossing the road.


考试前我们总是工作到深夜 We always working/我们总是在考试前工作到深夜 我们应该阅读对我们有用的书 我们应该读对我们有用的书 这个考试结束了,但还有另一个考试在等着你 一个考试结束,但另一个在等你 红色汽车的司机当场死亡 红色汽车的司机当场死亡 有人/有人认为阅读应该有选择性 有人认为阅读应该有选择性 我妹妹每周至少去一次电影 我妹妹每周至少去一次电影 我是走在路上,街上没有那么多车 我在路上走,街上没有那么多车辆…我们几乎没有时间读我们感兴趣的书 我们几乎没有时间读我们感兴趣的书 我是一个在大学学习了两年的学生 我有在大学学习了两年 我的观点是阅读必须有选择性 在我看来,阅读必须有选择性 诚实对每个人都很重要 老人过马路时被车撞了 老人过马路时被车撞了。


We always work late into the night before the exam. We always work late into the night. The exam is over, but there is another exam waiting for us.

One exam is over, but the other is waiting for you. Someone / someone thinks that reading should be selective. Someone / someone thinks reading should be selective.

I walk on the road. There are not so many cars in the street. I walk along this road and there are not so many cars in the street The driver of the red car died in the accident, and the driver of the red car died in the accident.

My view is that, in my opinion, reading must be selective, reading must be selective. Honesty is very important to everyone. Honesty is very important to everyone in modern society.

People in modern society are under all kinds of pressure. People bear all kinds of pressure because of his excellent performance All kinds of pressure, the boss gets a raise because of his outstanding performance, the boss raises his salary. We have to solve the problem.

We have to find a way to solve the problem. It may also help you succeed or help you achieve your goal. Let's get in touch with the world outside the campus.

Let's keep in touch with the world outside the campus. Don't forget to keep in good health. Don't forget Keep healthy / healthy.


