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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 11:33:26 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”罗丹是一个什么样的人“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:What kind of person is Rodin。以下是关于罗丹是一个什么样的人的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”罗丹是一个什么样的人“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:What kind of person is Rodin。以下是关于罗丹是一个什么样的人的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”罗丹是一个什么样的人“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:What kind of person is Rodin。以下是关于罗丹是一个什么样的人的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What kind of person is Rodin

The thinker (French: Le penseur) is a bronze and marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin at the Muse e e Rodin in Paris. It depicts a man struggling with a powerful inner struggle in lucid meditation. It is often used to represent philosophy, and was originally named poet.

This work is part of the Commission of the Muse e e des Arts D é coratifs. Paris creates a memorial gate as the gate of the museum. Rodin takes Dante's divine comedy as the theme and names it "the gate of hell".

Each statue in the work represents a major character in the epic "the thinker", and this poem was originally intended to depict Dante in front of the gate of hell, meditating on his great poem (in the final sculpture, a miniature of the statue sits on the gate of the city, thinking about the hell like fate of those below him. "The sculpture is naked, just as Rodin wants a michelangela Like the heroes of the Kiro tradition, in order to express intelligence and poetry, "Rodin made the first small plaster plate, and the first large bronze mold was completed in, but until it became the property of the city of Paris - thanks to a subscription from the Rodin cult organization - and was placed in front of pantaeon, in, it was moved to h ô Tel Biron was transformed into a Rodin Museum rather than any other Rodin sculpture, and the thinker entered the public imagination as an instantly recognizable icon of intellectual activity. As a result, it has been used in endless satire, which began in Rodin's life.


《思想者》(法语:Le Penseur)是奥古斯特·罗丁(Auguste Rodin)在巴黎罗丹博物馆(Muse e e Rodin)举行的青铜和大理石雕塑。它描绘了一个人在清醒的冥想中与强大的内心斗争作斗争。它通常被用来代表哲学,最初命名为诗人,这件作品是装饰艺术博物馆(Musée des Arts Décoratifs)委托的一部分,巴黎创造一个纪念性的大门作为博物馆的大门,罗丹以但丁的神曲为主题,并命名为“地狱之门”。

作品中的每一个雕像都代表了史诗《思想者》中的一个主要人物,而这首诗原本是想在地狱之门前描绘但丁的,沉思着他伟大的诗篇(在最后的雕塑中,雕像的一个缩影坐落在城门上,思考着他下面那些人的地狱般的命运“雕塑是的,正如罗丹想要一个米开朗基罗传统中的英雄人物一样,为了表现才智和诗意,“罗丹制作了第一个小石膏版,第一个大型青铜铸模于年完成,但直到它成为巴黎市的财产——这要归功于罗丹崇拜者组织的一次订阅——并被放在潘太昂的前面,年,它被移到了Hôtel Biron被改造成罗丹博物馆,而不是其他任何罗丹雕塑,思想家作为一个立即可识别的智力活动图标进入了大众的想象。因此,它一直受到无休止的讽刺使用,这始于罗丹的一生。


Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the value of research, just like the present universe, let us see, the member of the solar system planet Mercury, in a word, there is no, even a drop of suce temperature is quite big, if you put it in the day is a pig, as high as a pearl, at night is frozen pork Venus, and mercury, on the contrary, its atmosphere is extremely thick Carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect, its temperature is very high, the highest can be above centigrade, the aircraft can not land on it, but it is very similar to the initial state of the earth, is a good research material Mars, the earth can be a "sister planet", because of this planet, or because of the iron dust storm, its suce is red, this asteroid shows a different side with Venus Dust storms, droughts, and perhaps humans and Jupiter for tens of thousands of years. This planet, such as the brother of the solar system, is characterized by the great red spot, tornadoes, and storms. Its power is thousands of times greater than that of our Typhoon on Saturn and Neptune.

First of all, Ur, a planet we know, I'm afraid you can't imagine how it turns. Dare you Turn around a little, although, but you dare to roll forever. Ur is an outstanding Neptune.

He is not observed, but can not be counted as the century. Astronomers have discovered some rules of Ur's movement. They suspect that a planet in "time", constantly, people finally take this planet's Neptune as Pluto at the International Astronomical Union conference Pluto was removed from the planet and became a dwarf planet.

Nevertheless, because of his desire to explore, he even surpassed other planets.




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