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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 13:39:58 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”环保“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:environment protection。以下是关于环保的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”环保“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:environment protection。以下是关于环保的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”环保“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:environment protection。以下是关于环保的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:environment protection

Last year's English competition for young people from the city was an unforgettable environment protection competition Well prepared, when I was selected to partite in the competition, I experienced a very difficult period, I first felt nervous, because my English is not good, but after careful consideration, I made the decision that I should make. Go ahead, this is a good opportunity for me to improve my English level, and at the same time, I have more environmental protection knowledge which is very important to us Solution. I began to study English very hard, and paid great attention to environmental protection knowledge.

For example, replacing plastic bags with environmental protection bags saves money. Water, electricity, bus and subway travel are very hard, but I enjoy it. The exciting time finally arrived in July morning.

Thousands of people gathered in the youth culture palace. Now it's my turn to watch the game. I was a little nervous at first.

I tried to calm down. I answer questions one by one. Ten minutes later, I returned to my seat with a smile on my face.

I have done a good job, I am very happy, I have won the first prize, I know I should work hard and succeed.






Protecting the earth, the earth, the only mother of mankind, is now facing huge environmental pollution. Therefore, protecting the earth is very important for all of us, because the earth is the only home of all the nations living on the earth. For various reasons, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious.

First of all, the rapid development of economy and society has produced a lot of gas and waste For example, a large number of people have developed the habit of using plastic bags and white lunch boxes, which has caused great harm to the environment. What's worse, many people cut down more and more trees, resulting in soil erosion. In addition, the government's management has also caused serious pollution.

Therefore, we must take measures to prevent the earth from being polluted. Living on this beautiful planet, we must actively strive to beautify the environment, and it is very important to improve human's awareness of environmental protection. Factories should reduce sewage and gas emissions.

People should learn to use clean energy, such as solar energy, nuclear energy and hydrogen energy. The government should make some laws to prohibit all kinds of harmful pollution. From now on, the earth is our only home.

Everyone should protect the environment and turn our home into a better world.





As the only mother of human beings, the earth is facing huge environmental pollution. Therefore, protecting the earth is very important for all of us, because the earth is the home of all the people living on the earth. First of all, due to various reasons, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious.

With the rapid development of economy and society, a large number of gases, wastes and wastes have been produced Pollution in the form of substance. In addition, people's poor awareness of environmental protection is also another important factor that causes environmental problems. For example, a large number of people have developed the habit of using plastic bags and white lunch.

Boxes that are very harmful to the environment. What's worse, many people cut down more and more trees, causing soil erosion. In addition, government management has also caused serious pollution.

Therefore, we must take measures to prevent the earth from being polluted on this beautiful planet. We must actively devote ourselves to beautifying the environment. It is very important to improve human's environmental awareness.

Factories should reduce sewage and gas emissions. People should learn to use clean energy, such as solar energy, nuclear energy and hydrogen energy. The government should make some laws to prohibit all kinds of harmful pollution.

From now on, the earth is our only home. Everyone should protect the environment and make our home a better world.




