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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 14:00:33 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”地道“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:tunnel。以下是关于地道的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。




Raold h Thomas burlinggame Avenue office: Atanta, GA family: April mssarah r Dixon Engineering Manager lexitron, Inc Seabright road provider, RI dear MS Dixon: I am interested in working as a project engineer in lexitron, Inc. Looking at my resume, you can see that I have rich project experience at johnnan company, one of your major compes. I graduated from Princeton University with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and many years of paper machine project experience.

I have a reputation for completing projects on time, on budget or below budget. Some of the key project experiences include: completing a million dollar double line project, completing the Department reconstruction project on time, and leading the wet end Project Engineer within budget (saving million dollars), responsible for the procurement, design and installation of a new $1 million Belot paper machine (saving $k), designing and installing, and starting a $10000 double wire tissue machine for post drying Although I am proficient in most of the machine configurations, I am particularly familiar with double wire forming machines and some of the newer and most advanced paper forming technologies. These qualifications are available.

If you are looking for a strong paper machine project engineer, I will be glad to have the opportunity to discuss me with you further Thank you for your consideration and sincerely, raold h Thomas enclosure.


Raold H THOMAS Burlingame Avenue办公室:Atianta,GA家庭:April MsSarah R Dixon Engineering Manager Lexitron,Inc Seabright Road Provident,RI亲爱的Dixon女士:我有兴趣在Lexitron,Inc.担任项目工程师。查看我的简历可以发现我在Johnnan公司有丰富的项目经验,你的一个主要竞争对手我毕业于普林斯顿大学,获得机械工程学士学位,有多年的造纸机项目经验。我因按时、按预算或低于预算完成项目而享有盛誉。

一些关键项目经验包括:完成价值百万美元的双线工程,按时完成部门重建项目,并在预算内(节省百万美元)领导湿部项目工程师,负责采购、设计和安装一台新的价值百万美元的贝洛特造纸机(节省k美元),设计并安装,并启动了价值万美元的双丝纸巾机后烘干机部分的改造(项目提前几个月完成,节省了1/2百万美元),尽管我精通大多数机器配置,但我对双线成型机和一些更新的、最先进的纸张成型技术尤其了解,这些资质可以如果您目前正在寻找一位强大的造纸机项目工程师,我将很高兴有机会与您进一步讨论我的资格,感谢您的考虑,真诚的您,Raold H THOMAS Enclosure。


When I read the newspaper today, I saw an interesting news. It is said that China's first rainbow tunnel has been built. When I go out by bus, I see a lot of tunnels.

Every time the bus p through the tunnel, it's too dark and I don't feel very good. It's just like I went to another dark space, but the rainbow tunnel is very different. It's so five Colorful, it looks so comfortable, the workers build such a lovely tunnel is so sweet, it brings a good mood to the passengers, the workers are so considerate, they are worthy of praise, I think if you build more rainbow tunnels, passengers will not be so tired in the journey.




First listen to the channel tunnel and then answer a question: why didn't the first tunnel be completed by a French engineer, Aime Thom de Gamond, who planned to build a 21 mile tunnel under the English Channel when he arrived in England. He said it was possible to build a platform in the middle of the English Channel. The platform will serve as a port and a railway station.

If a tall chimney is built above sea level, the tunnel will be well ventilated. William loth, an Englishman, suggested building a double track tunnel to solve the ventilation problem, because if the train enters the tunnel, it will breathe fresh air behind the tunnel. Two years later, if the British were not worried about invasion, the tunnel would actually have started.

It should have been completed. The world had to wait a few more years until the channel tunnel was officially opened in March. It finally connected Britain with the European continent.

Tunnel N port n ventilation chimney n sea level double regulation ventilation n fear V invasion.



如果在海平面以上建造高高的烟囱,隧道将通风良好英国人威廉·洛他建议修建一条双轨隧道,这样可以解决通风问题,因为如果火车进入隧道,它会在隧道后面吸入新鲜空气。两年后,如果当时英国人不担心入侵的话,隧道实际上就开始了,它本该完工的,全世界不得不再等上几年,直到xx月海峡隧道正式开通。它终于把英国和欧洲连接起来了新词语隧道n港口n通风v烟囱n海平面双调节通风n恐惧v入侵n正式adv connect v欧洲adjn。
