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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 14:18:31 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”中的衔接词语“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Cohesive words in Chinese。以下是关于中的衔接词语的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”中的衔接词语“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Cohesive words in Chinese。以下是关于中的衔接词语的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”中的衔接词语“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Cohesive words in Chinese。以下是关于中的衔接词语的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cohesive words in Chinese

The language of the lyrics is poetic, the tone is concise, the rhythm is crisp, and the expression is so powerful. Learning the voice in the lyrics is the most effective way to practice the articulation of English words in singing songs, that is, clarity, so as to sing with words, and need to be omitted. For knowledge, such as sound, we need to pay special attention to the singing, tone and other children's songs, such as "the burning of London", which is just London This is a song written by the London fire.

It depicts the scene of the fire in the pen of a few people, and the sentence is fluent. Through learning this song, many difficulties such as easy to understand, stress, reread, tone, rhythm and so on have been trained in unciation, and the tone has been greatly improved High, sometimes the intonation of the song is slow, sometimes the speed is fast, and the requirements for unciation are relatively high, and the intonation, skimming, stress and other phenomena of the lyrics are repeated, and the unciation is not clear. At the same time, it will be of great help to English learners.

The lyrics of this song are also very deep, just like a lyric poem. Some of the main points of yzing the oral English in the song are also authentic English "It's not a big deal, but" weak "and" little things "in the second sentence of" I've been blessed for many years ", and" I've "in wanna (mentioned above) is used to connect" I want think you have for what you've " "You've" in "done" and "you've" is the tone of the weak. In "without your hand", it means "Mom, you and you, you, and" always, always, are connected reading.

The language skills of these young English learners are easy to be ignored. In fact, they attach great importance to readers, their reading ability is weak and their cohesive ability is poor. Skimming is the embodiment of the real English level, just songs It seems that this song is very rich, but many people don't realize it.


歌词语言富有诗意,音调简练,节奏清脆,表达得如此有力,学习歌词中的声音是最有效的练习演唱歌曲的英文单词咬合,即清晰度,以便带词演唱,并需要省略,对于知识,如声音这一点需要特别注意唱腔、音调等儿童歌曲如《伦敦的燃烧》这首歌只不过是伦敦的燃烧,伦敦的燃烧取回了引擎,引擎着火了,火了,火倒了水,这是一首由伦敦大火写的歌,在极少数人的笔下描绘了火灾的场景,而且句子流畅,通过对这首歌的学习,容易读懂、重音、重读、音调、节奏等诸多困难都得到了语音训练,声调也得到了极大的提高,歌曲有时语调缓慢,有时语速快,对发音的要求也比较高,而歌词的声调、略读、重读等现象时有反复,发音不清同时对英语学习者会有相当大的帮助,这首歌的歌词也写得很深,就像一首抒情诗这里的一些主要的分析歌曲中口语的要点,他们也是地道的英语中不可缺少的元素:“这不是什么大事,但是“软弱”和“我已经有很多年的恩典”第二句中的“小事情”,wanna(上面提到的)中的“I've”用于连接“I want thank you have for what you've done”和“you've”中的“you've”是弱者的语气,在“没有你的手”中指的是“妈妈,你和你,你,还有”总是,总是,都是连读,这些小英语学习者的语言技能很容易被忽视,其实这些重读者,阅读能力弱,衔接能力差,而略读才是真正的英语水平的体现,光是歌曲本身就会对发音有很大帮助的地方似乎这首歌很有财富,可惜很多人都没有意识到这一点。


A good example is the recent bank robbery. What's more interesting is that he can speak several languages in addition to English. More importantly, the more important fact is that he is illegal.

In fact, mathematics has its application in every science. Compared with your suggestion, considering the weather, his suggestion is much better. We'd better cancel our picnics, and Contrary to what I thought, he proved to be successful, contrary to all expectations, he failed because of that, Alice didn't come, and she didn't even call again, we think, and we think that this mismatched couple should break up as soon as you like.

I wrote to him not because she married him, not because she loved him, but because she needed to I want his money, because Jim can't come here, because the weather is bad, think twice before I go to Changchun. Therefore, we should realize that for your proposal, we should realize that self conquest is the biggest victory. I think about your proposal, I think it will play a good role in practice.




First of all, first / first, second / second, then, last / last / last / last, but at least how many / worse, especially in addition to this, not only that, but also on the contrary, although + clause although / although + n / on the other hand has done some, when other things have two sides, some people think others prefer because of this view, so because there is no, in the example of With help, + such views and so on.


