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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 14:30:40 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”不好的开头“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A bad start。以下是关于不好的开头的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”不好的开头“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A bad start。以下是关于不好的开头的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”不好的开头“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A bad start。以下是关于不好的开头的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A bad start

A bad beginning leads to a bad ending. A bad jungle is better than an open field. A bad compromise is better than a lawsuit.

A bad conscience is a snake in the heart. A bad habit is like a good cake breaking a bad padlock, inviting a crowbar to work, change and rest. A bad thing never dies.

A bad worker quarrels with tools. Bargaining is a deal. A bird in one hand is worth two A beggar's purse in the Bush is bottomless.

A bird knows a man by his notes. A bird may know a bird by his song. It is better than no pet all day long.




A good bargain is better than a bad bargain Better than two in the Bush a bird in the hand is better than two in the Bush a bird is famous for its notes, a bird may be known for its song a blind man leaning against the wall imagines that this is the boundary of the world a blind man will not thank you for a mirror; a book today, as it was in the past, will never change; a Book closed is just a brick; Borrowed cloaks do not warm; parting sharpens love, presence makes it stronger; no burden of choice; a burnt child is afraid of fire; candles light others and devour itself; a cat may watch a cat have nine lives; accidents always happen; a chain is no stronger than its weakest link; changing jobs is like rest; a happy wife is life The joy of living.


不好的开始会带来糟糕的结局;糟糕的灌木胜过开阔的田野;不好的妥协胜过良好的诉讼;不好的良心是一条心中的蛇;坏习惯就像一块好蛋糕,碎了总比保存好;坏挂锁会招来扒手;坏东西不会死;坏工人会用工具争吵;讨价还价是一种交易讨价还价 一只鸟在手胜过两个在灌木丛中 一只鸟在手上胜过两个在灌木丛中 一只鸟因它的音符而闻名,一只鸟可能因它的歌声而为人所知 一个靠在墙上的盲人想象这是世界的边界 一个盲人不会感谢你一个镜子;一本书今天和过去一样,它永远不会改变;一本书关着只不过是一块砖;借来的斗篷不能使人暖和;离别使爱变得尖锐,在场使它更牢固;没有选择的负担;一个被烧焦的孩子怕火;蜡烛照亮别人,吞噬自己;一只猫可能会看着一只猫有九条命;意外总会发生;一条锁链不比它最薄弱的一环强;换换工作就像休息一样;快乐的妻子是生活的乐趣。


As Prussia became more and more powerful under Frederick the great, neighboring countries began to plot against him. Frederick decided to strike first, and thus began Frederick's seven-year war. After his defeat in kunalsdorf, Prussia was bound to be conquered by her Russians.

Many Austrians and French soldiers fled in despair. One of them was captured and brought to China In front of the king, the king asked why he had left the colors. "Because your Majesty's condition is very bad," the man replied.

Frederick thought for a moment, then blinked and told the deserter, "I suggest you wait for a week. If things don't get better, we'll leave together.".


