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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 14:45:03 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”引发暴力的原因“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Causes of violence。以下是关于引发暴力的原因的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”引发暴力的原因“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Causes of violence。以下是关于引发暴力的原因的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”引发暴力的原因“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Causes of violence。以下是关于引发暴力的原因的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Causes of violence

Violent TV programs have caused more crime. It seems that TV programs are very popular among people, especially agers. Some people think that violent TV programs cause violence.

First of all, disgraceful violent TV programs should be the main reason for the rise of crime rate in modern cities. Violent TV programs often cover up the boundary between good and evil and damage social morality and values, because we know that even adults sometimes can't distinguish, needless to say, agers will think about a boy, he is just out of it He was curious and imitated the violence on TV without knowing that he was doing something he would regret all his life. Secondly, violent TV programs can gradually change people's behavior and mislead them into believing that violence is the most effective way to solve conflicts.

In fact, as soon as you turn on the TV, violence is vividly presented to you, the success of criminals encourages you, luxury booty tempts you, and the stupidity of the police cheers you on. We can come to the conclusion that violent TV programs have largely contributed to the rise of crime rate, not only because of their destructive effect on people's morality, but also because of their bad influence on people's behavior.





You should take about a few minutes to complete this task. The government should control the amount of violence in movies and television to reduce violent crimes in society. You agree or disagree with this issue.

You should write at least some words. You should support your argument with your own knowledge and experience. Combined with examples and relevant evidence, I think, although we can't build it between the media However, the government should take some effective measures to control the number of violence, so as to reduce the violence and violence in the society.

In our society, a large number of studies have shown that those who were exposed to violent TV programs or movies in their childhood are much more likely to be convicted later, because television and movies are the main mass media It has a strong influence on developing value systems and shaping behaviors, especially for young people. A good example is that studies show that girls who watch violent programs above average tend to throw things at their husbands, while boys who grow up watching violent TV programs are more likely to abuse their wives. Another reason is that excessive media violence makes people immune to terrorist acts.

They may think that social justice cannot be realized in a reasonable and fair way. Violence worship is becoming more and more popular among some young people. The government should realize that the harm of TV or film violence, even if it can be widely recognized, will not disappear.

Violence is a superficial way to attract and attract audiences. In order to reduce violent crimes in society, the government should formulate strict laws to control and even prohibit violence in TV and movies.




Although many people criticize violent movies, if there is a movie that does not contain and violence, who will go to see that movie? Most of the major movies, such as "lethal weapon", "the dead man" and "Independence Day", are very popular. Although in my opinion, "good people" kill more people than "bad people", Hollywood tends to make some types of movie action, panic, love stories and comedies. Whenever I watch a movie or a video, each film has at least one murder case with the highest death toll It's panic movies.

In my opinion, violent action movies are popular with adults. They accuse them of violence in real life because they are closer to reality than other movies. For example, in "natural killer", we can see death, while in "Independence Day", thousands of people died in both films, tons of people were killed.

Although the ways of killing people are different, the biggest difference is that children may imitate the behaviors they see in the movies. I agree that movies, television and other media can affect our lives, especially for children But not all children imitate violence. Most children don't like it and don't want to see it.

Whether film violence should be regulated is a difficult and complex issue. Although this is only my experience, I have learned that it is better not to watch violent movies. If I see violence in movies, children will become very aggressive.

But if the media does not have violence, they can learn about the world from it. Everyone must learn from their real experience Children never understand how painful it is to be beaten. Many parents tend to blame media violence, but parents should teach their children that there are many good things and bad things.

They should help them know what is wrong. I think government regulation is the last solution. Before that, parents can help their children behave well http://wwwtopicsmagcom /edition/mediamovieshm.


