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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 14:54:11 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”做饼干“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Making biscuits。以下是关于做饼干的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”做饼干“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Making biscuits。以下是关于做饼干的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”做饼干“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Making biscuits。以下是关于做饼干的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Making biscuits

Yesterday: today and my friend: we went to the "mainland Steakhouse" with Yaya's family and held a happy birthday party. Yesterday's "mainland Steakhouse" was in Mingdong. Today's "mainland Steakhouse" is near Hongyi University Anyway, Yaya is sure that I am a very happy person because valuable people always love me.

This ice cream cake is a lovely cake prepared by my friend for me. He said that he chose this cake because the angel in the center is very similar to Yaya. What do you think of it ^ have a happy and happy day for you, everyone.




An old man lay dying on his bed at home and smelled the smell of baking his favorite chocolate cookies. He wanted the last biscuit before he died. He fell off the bed, climbed to the landing, climbed into the kitchen, his wife is busy baking biscuits, physical strength is getting weaker.

He climbed up to the table with little strength, and when he grabbed one of his favorite warm, damp chocolate cookies, he could lift his dry arm up on the cookie sheet. His wife suddenly slammed his hand with a shovel. "Why," he whispered, "why do you do this?" they're for the funeral.






Peanut er cooking this recipe makes a crisp cooking 1 / 2 cup er or other soft snack 1 / 2 cup smooth Peanut Butter 1 / 2 cup granulated sugar 1 / 2 cup light brown sugar egg 1 / 2 teas vanilla powder 1 / 2 teas salt 1 / 2 teas baking soda water ready for oven temperature degreasing, greasing the biscuits, fooling the biscuits in a large mixing bowl, measuring the shortening and placing it in the bowl, then measuring the peanut er and placing it in the bowl Put it with er and stir it with a stirring s until it is mixed together. Measure the sugar and pour it into the peanut er mixture. Put the brown sugar in the measuring cup and pour it into the mixture of granulated sugar, cream sugar and peanut er.

Now take a cup, break the egg into the cup, add it to your mixture, measure the vanilla extract, pour it in, stir it slowly, and then stir it quickly until you have a smooth batter. Put the mixing bowl aside to measure the flour, salt, and baking soda in the sieve, Sift them into a bowl, add the sifted material to the peanut er batter, stir it slowly, and stir as hard as you can, and you'll get a hard, light brown biscuit batter, and then bake it. The chef uses a "eat" teas for each cookie, scoop out a sful of batter, push the batter onto the cookie sheet, and leave enough space for each chef before putting the cookies in the oven Now, mark with the back of the fork.

You do this: put some flour on a plate, dip the fork in the flour, press the back of the fork on a biscuit, make a cross mark on the whole cook, dip the fork in the flour, mark the next biscuit, do this for all the biscuits, and bake them in the hot oven for a few minutes (if If you have another cookie sheet, prepare another batch of cookies for 10 minutes. Smell the peanut er cookies. How soft they are spread out.

Take them off the cookie sheet with a spatula and put them on a metal rack to cool. After a few minutes, they will be brittle. Try it.


