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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 15:39:04 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”对比的观点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A comparative perspective。以下是关于对比的观点的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”对比的观点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A comparative perspective。以下是关于对比的观点的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”对比的观点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A comparative perspective。以下是关于对比的观点的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A comparative perspective

TOEFL: according to the professor, this class obviously refutes the point of view in the reading material. On the contrary, the reading material refutes the opposite view, that is, the first point that the professor questions about reading is that, unlike the statement in the reading material, the speaker uses another evidence to refute the article, but the reading material points out that in the conclusion, the view put forward in the speech is different from that in the reading material In contrast to the views presented in the reading material claimed by the professor, the reading material considers table a: link table a: hover fill: 2 times 4pxtab A: hover table a: activity background: ා fffcolor: ා ffccp add: two four extended decorations: nonetab font series: & & & tab a color: # fffffffontweight: bold text alignment: Center.


托福:根据教授的说法,这堂课显然驳斥了阅读材料中的观点,相反,阅读材料则反驳了一种相反的观点,即教授对阅读提出质疑的第一点是,与阅读材料中的陈述不同的是,说话人用另一个证据来反驳文章,但是,阅读材料指出,在结论中,演讲中提出的观点与教授所声称的阅读材料中呈现的观点形成对比,而阅读材料则认为表a:链接表a:悬停填充:2倍4pxtab a:悬停表a:活动背景:#FFF颜色:#FFCCP添加:2个4个扩展装饰:nonetab字体系列:&&&&tab a颜色:#FFFfontweight:粗体文本对齐:居中。


There are two obvious and clear points about this debate: A and B, and I want to vote for a for three reasons. The main reason why I prefer a is that there is another noteworthy fact that a is superior on the other hand, which is undeniable. B has its own advantages, but B can only be realized conditionally, because from the above discussion, we can safely draw the conclusion that it is a dilemma for the public to compare and contrast a or B, because they sometimes have some advantages I will be confused by the apparent advantages of a and ignore the real good aspects of B to A.

However, this advantage exposes a hidden disadvantage of A. moreover, a good example is just the opposite. A special example is an example of BF.

From the example discussed above, I can safely conclude that B is more suitable for me in two aspects: B, B, pet.


关于这个争论有两个明显而明确的观点:a和B个人,我想投票给a,有三个原因。我倾向于a的主要原因是,还有一个值得注意的事实是,a在另一方面更优越,这是不可否认的,B有它自己的优点,但是B只能有条件地实现,因为从上面的讨论中,我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:比较和对比选择A或B对公众来说是一个两难的问题,因为他们有时会被A的表面上的优点所迷惑,忽略了B对A的真正的好的方面,然而,这个优点暴露了A的一个隐藏的缺点,而且,一个好的例子恰恰相反,一个特别的例子,这是bf的例子,从上面讨论的例子来看,我可以有把握地得出结论,B在两个方面更适合我:B B宠物。


When a company needs to recruit an employee for a management position, it usually chooses between promoting an employee who has already worked in the company or introducing a qualified external person from outside. Employing a qualified external person is usually beneficial to the company for the following reasons: hiring management personnel promoting qualified external personnel employing employee position positioning standing in qualified position There is usually a choice between a and B. A is good for itself.

One of the important reasons why ABA employs outside people as managers is that they bring in a new perspective, which helps to diversify ideas and allows for a new perspective on the company. The question "why do you do this" may lead to inefficient practices in practice Resment, but these practices have become part of the day-to-day work that makes it difficult for insiders to question it. "Diversity of views resment of inefficiency contributes to an important and essential mandatory perspective viewpoint viewpoint diversity viewpoint diversity viewpoint diversity diversity of views diversity of perspectives inefficiency insufficient helplessness question from a new perspective One important reason for something is + another major factor to consider is the cost of on-the-job training hiring external personnel allows the company to find people who already have the specific skills and experience required for the job, and the company will not have to spend time and money training internal employees for new jobs what they have to do, for example, when an employee is promoted from a technical position to a technical position In this case, employees are usually sent to learn the required management skills, especially in-house on-the-job training.


